Rock of Ages Church

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Prophetic Words For 2023

Pastor Leslie Chua

God has given Rock of Ages Church two prophetic words for 2023. I received these prophecies in the wee hours of 16 January, which was the last day of our two-week corporate fast.

These prophetic words came unexpectedly.

Unable to sleep that night, I turned on the You Version Bible app and started listening from chapter 18 of 1 Samuel onward. After more than an hour, I was drifting in and out of my shallow sleep while listening.

Then, I heard the Holy Spirit speak distinctly – “A new dawn; no more false dawns.” It was crystal clear, almost like an audible voice. It was one of those precious moments for me.

Immediately, I knew what it means. 2023 will be a breakthrough year. After a series of false dawns in previous years, we will enter into our destiny in 2023. We will experience the fullness of our calling beginning in 2023.

Immediately, I knew that the prophetic word was meant for me, Rock of Ages Church, and for those who have been walking faithfully with the Lord and waiting for the fulfilment of His promises to them.

Joseph’s Three Episodes of False Dawn

In that same moment when I received the prophetic word, the biblical story of Joseph came to mind.

God gave Joseph two dreams concerning His destiny. The LORD revealed to Joseph that someday he would be a ruler and a man of great power and influence. Even his brothers, including his parents, would have to bow down to him.

Joseph was probably in his mid-teens. He was elated. He looked forward to that day with excitement.

Quickly, Joseph’s hope of grandeur was cruelly shattered. Jealous of him, his brothers turned against him. They planned to kill him but ended up selling him to some slave traders who were passing by.

This was Joseph’s first false dawn.

The slave traders carried Joseph to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, who was the captain of Pharoah’s guard. Blessed with God’s favour and grace, Joseph was soon promoted to be the chief steward over Potiphar’s household and properties.

That was quite an achievement as Potiphar was a powerful man. Joseph must have thought that his fortune was turning. Perhaps, this was how he would rise to power. Maybe, this was a stepping stone to his destiny. His hope was raised.

Unfortunately, the good time did not last for long. Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph of attempted rape and he was thrown into prison.

This was Joseph’s second false dawn.

The LORD was with Joseph in the prison. God granted him favour with the chief prison warden. He put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners. During this time, Joseph also accurately interpreted the dreams of Pharoah’s chief cupbearer and chief baker.

Joseph pleaded with Pharoah’s cupbearer, “Only remember me, when it is well with you, and please do me the kindness to mention me to Pharaoh, and so get me out of this house. For I was indeed stolen out of the land of the Hebrews, and here also I have done nothing that they should put me into the pit” (Genesis 40:14-15).

Joseph’s hope was raised once again. The chief cupbearer had the ear of Pharoah. Surely, he would get his break this time around.

Unfortunately, the chief cupbearer forgot about Joseph after he was restored to his position.

Once again, it was a false dawn. This was Joseph’s third false dawn. What a disappointment!

It was not until 2 years later that Pharoah had two dreams, which his wise men could not interpret. Then, the cupbearer remembered Joseph. He told Pharoah about Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams.

Joseph was brought before Pharoah. He interpreted Pharoah’s dreams. He also proposed wise solutions to tackle the impending famine as revealed to Pharoah in his dreams.

Pharoah was so impressed with Joseph and his abilities that he promoted him to the second-in-command over the entire land of Egypt.

After a long and agonising wait stretching over thirteen to fifteen years, which was punctuated with several false dawns, Joseph entered into his God-given destiny. He began to walk in his life calling. It was a new dawn for Joseph.

A New Dawn in 2023

God had given us a promise some time ago. The promise might relate to our destiny, a call, ministry, task, role, work, or career. The promise has not come to pass yet.

Along the way, there were several occasions when it appeared that the promise was coming to pass. But it did not materialise as anticipated. These were false dawns.

Just like Joseph, we have our fair share of false dawns.

As much as we cling on to God’s promise tenaciously in faith, sometimes, we cannot help but feel somewhat disappointed and discouraged. After several false dawns, there were occasions when we were unsure if the promise was ever going to be fulfilled. We began to doubt whether we had heard correctly from the Lord in the first place. For some, your hope dims and your faith wanes.

The prophetic word of the Lord for you is that you will experience a new dawn in 2023. The disappointment of the false dawns in the past will be quickly forgotten as you realise your God-given promise, begin to experience the fulfilment of your calling, and enter into your destiny.

2023 will be a momentous year for our church and many of you!

God Raising His Mighty Men & Women

God gave me a second prophetic word.

Immediately after hearing in my spirit the phrase, “a new dawn; no more false dawns,” the Holy Spirit began to impress upon me a series of related thoughts in a flash. It was just like a download. I had to reflect upon it in the morning.

Let me put these prophetic impressions simply in my own words.  

In 2023, God is going to bring many mighty men and mighty women into our church. God will also raise up many mighty men and mighty women in our church. And He is going to give us the key of David.

Just as David’s mighty men were the ‘outcasts’ of society – ‘everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who is bitter in soul’ (1 Samuel 22:2) – God will raise His mighty men and mighty women from among the ordinary and ‘rejected’ people in our midst.

Some of you have been misunderstood. Some feel that you all no longer fit into mainstream society. Your beliefs and convictions do not fit into mainstream thinking. You perceive what many Christians fail to see are the signs of the End Time. You were deemed crazy by even fellow Christians. As a result, you feel ostracized.

Like Joseph and David, the period before you enter into your calling and destiny is the darkest and most challenging. But suddenly, in 2023, everything will change. God’s anointing of power and wisdom will come upon you, and you will be raised a mighty man and a mighty woman to prepare the way for the return of Jesus Christ.

As for the key of David, it is a spiritual key to usher in God’s presence and to lock and unlock spiritual doors. It opens doors of opportunities and influence. It is also a powerful anointing for healing and restoration in the body, soul, and spirit.

I am releasing these prophetic words by faith. I do not know how these prophecies are going to come to pass. Just as the LORD said to Jeremiah, “I am watching over my word to perform it” (Jeremiah 1:12). Therefore, let us watch, pray, and see the will of God unfold before our eyes.