1 February 2022

According to the latest MCCY guidelines. VDS (Vaccination-Differentiated Safe Management Measures) will be expanded to cover congregational worship services. The concession to operate without VDS for the congregational size of 50 persons and below will cease with effect from 1 February onward.

Given that, unvaccinated persons will no longer be allowed to participate in our regular Sunday worship service beginning from this coming Sunday (6 February 2022).

In the past few months, we limited our Sunday service capacity to 50 worshippers so that unvaccinated persons were eligible to attend. With the new MCCY guidelines allowing for only vaccinated worshippers, the 50-person limit no longer applies.

As such, you do not have to reserve a seat to attend our Sunday congregational worship service anymore.

Meanwhile, our service will continue to be streamed live. However, I encourage all our church members to attend our on-site service. A healthy church meets together physically to worship and listen to the preaching of the Word of God. We cannot live in continual fear of the coronavirus. Our lives are in the hands of God, and we trust Him to keep us until the days ordained for us come to an end.

Our church will continue to provide pastoral care and cater to the needs of the unvaccinated. Beginning on 6 February, we will start the Omega Class. The class size is limited to 50 persons, and it will operate without VDS (as per point 15 of the MCCY guidelines dated 25 January 2022 — “religious classes can be held for up to 50 persons, inclusive of teachers and support staff, without VDS”).

The weekly class will commence at 9.20 am and end at 11.45 am. As the class size is limited to only 50 persons, participants must register to attend.

Please email seating@rockofages.org.sg for more information and to sign up.

With love,

Pastor Leslie Chua

23 September 2021

In the 16 September update, I informed you that our church would suspend Rock Kids and Rock Youths given two cases of infection.

I am pleased to report that both boys are recovering very well. As for the rest of the youths and children, they are also fine.

Given that, both ministries will resume from this Sunday onward.

Our church members took the news of the two cases of infection positively. Instead of fear and alarm, you all channeled your energy into praying for the two boys. This is an encouraging response. It shows our understanding of the situation and our unshakable trust in God. Thank you for your measured and admirable response.

As our nation prepares to treat this virus as endemic, let us brace ourselves with faith in the Almighty God, who is sovereign over everything, including our lives. We trust Him for our health and general well-being. On our part, we continue to take all the necessary precautions and keep ourselves healthy.


Pastor Leslie Chua

16 September 2021

We have two COVID-19 cases in our church. Two of our children started showing symptoms of mild fever and cough on Wednesday, and they were subsequently tested positive for the virus. Both are brothers. One is in Rock Youth and the other in Rock Kids. It is likely that the boys caught the infection when they visited their grandmother on Sunday evening.

I spoke to their mother at noon today. Thankfully, the younger boy’s fever has subsided while the older brother is still running a temperature of about 38 degrees Celsius. The rest of their family members are well, and they have been tested negative.

Let us come together as a church to pray for the boys, and trust God for a quick recovery. Jesus heals!

Given the situation, Rock Youths and Rock Kids will be suspended for this weekend (19 September). We will monitor the situation closely and keep in touch with the youths and the parents of the children. If the young people are fine, we will resume the two ministries the following Sunday (26 September). So far, all seems well with our youngsters, which is a good sign.

My dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ, there is no need to be alarmed. Like the common flu, the COVID-19 virus is highly infectious. Many people will contract the virus sooner or later. But it has a 99.7% recovery without or with little treatment. Young people, especially children, show strong resilience against the virus.

The latest data have shown that mass vaccinations have not prevented the spread of the virus. In other words, we must learn to live with the virus and treat it as endemic. It is important that we watch our health and continue to take precautionary measures.

As we have been doing so, let us continue to pray and trust God to bless us with good health and strong immunity. Even if we become infected, we will not experience serious illnesses.

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help comes from? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth… The LORD will keep you from evil; he will keep your life. The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore (Psalm 121).



Pastor Leslie Chua

11 August 2021

Starting from 22 August, Rock Youth and Rock Kids will resume. As such, the priority for our on-site Sunday service attendance will be given to the parents of these young people.

Our service will continue to be capped at fifty worshippers. Given that, livestreaming of our Sunday service will continue.

I encourage our church members and regular attendees to attend our on-site service at least once a month. It is important for us to gather together physically.

Please remember to register online if you are attending our on-site service. Seats are available on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Keep praying for one another to be strong in our Lord Jesus Christ. In Him, we are sheltered from all plagues and harm!

Peace & Joy,


Pastor Leslie Chua

21 July 2021

Yesterday, the Multi-Ministry Task Force announced tighter measures to be put in place from 22 July through 18 August 2021 to mitigate the community spread of COVID-19.

The restrictions will affect our church activities.

While our Sunday service will continue with 50 congregants without PET (Pre-Event Testing), live worship and concurrent activities will be disallowed. Given the new restrictions, our on-site Rock Youth and Rock Kids activities will be suspended. These ministries will be conducted on-line. Our Chinese service will be rescheduled to begin at 12.30 pm.

All these changes will take effect from this Sunday (25 July).

Please also take note that seating during the worship services will be in groups of two.

Live streaming of our worship service will continue. For those who plan to attend the on-site service, please register online. Seats will be allocated on a first come first served basis. 

Let us pray that despite the continual disruption, our church members will remain faithful and steadfast in their faith in Christ.

May the goodness and protection of our Almighty God be upon all our church members! May His peace that transcends all understanding abide in our hearts!

In Christ we put our trust and hope!

Pastor Leslie Chua

23 June 2021

Our Rock Youth and Rock Kids ministries have been suspended since mid-May. I have good news for the youths, children, and their parents who are looking forward to the resumption of both these ministries.

From this Sunday (27 June) onward, Rock Youth will resume their regular activities on-site. As for the children, we will welcome them back to Rock Kids on the following Sunday (4 July).

Given that, the parents of our youths and children will be given the priority to attend the Sunday service. Since only 50 worshippers are allowed presently, there will only be a few vacancies left for the rest of our church members. I trust that you understand our constraint. Let us pray that more worshippers will be allowed soon.

Please take note of the following. If you or your household members have to undergo mandatory testing due to a COVID-19 cluster, you are required to stay at home. So, please do not come for our Sunday service and youth or children’s classes until your Covid-19 test result (ART or PCR) is reported to be negative. However, this does not include those with household members who are healthcare workers, or who work in sectors that require rostered routine testing.

Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.

Thank you.

Pastor Leslie Chua

14 May 2021

Due to an increase in the community cases, the authorities have responded with tightened measures. More changes may be expected in the next few days. The situation is fluid. As such, our church will take the following action.

Our on-site service will now be restricted to 50 persons. Live streaming of the service, which was restarted last Sunday, will continue.

Rock Youth and Rock Kids will be suspended for the moment until further notice. We will observe the situation in the schools and wait for guidance from the Ministry of Education.

All Community Group meetings shall be conducted online.

Let us pray for the situation in Singapore. Pray also for the protection and safety of our church members.

Take care and keep well!

Pastor Leslie Chua

5 May 2021

Recently, there is an increase in the reported cases for COVID-19 locally. Among other things, the government has responded with a slew of changes regarding social and large-group gatherings. As such our church will also make the necessary changes accordingly.

Our on-site Sunday service will continue, but the congregation size will be restricted to only 100 worshippers. As such, the service will be live-streamed.

Watch out for the live-streaming link in our church website at www.rockofages.org.sg and Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/rockofageschurch

Rock Youth and Rock Kids will continue as usual. The church will follow the guidelines of the Ministry of Education (MOE). So long as public schools and institutions carry on their activities as normal, both the youth and children ministries will maintain status quo.

In view of the arrangement, the priority for attending the service on-site will be given to the parents of our youths and children. The reservation of seats for parents will be done through the two ministries.

For the rest of the church members, please take note that you are required to reserve your seat online. Go to our church website at www.rockofages.org.sg or Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/rockofageschurch to reserve your seat.

Let us be praying for good health and protection for our brothers and sisters of Rock of Ages Church. We can always trust God to watch over us. Remember also to pray for Singapore.

The church will continue to take all the necessary precautionary measures during our Sunday services.

You must play your part too. If you are sick, please stay home. The same goes for your children. Avoid bringing them for Rock Kids if they are not feeling well. We do not fear the virus, but we want to act responsibly toward others and our community. Thank you for your understanding.

Pastor Leslie Chua

28 December 2020

Since October, we have been operating with up to 100 worshippers in our auditorium for our Sunday services.

From January 2021 onward, MCCY (Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth) has revised the limit upward to 250 persons. This number does not include the pastors, staff, ushers, and technical crew.

With the latest revision in the capacity limit, our church members and visitors do not have to register to attend our Sunday service with immediate effect. Everyone can now worship on-site without hassle. This new arrangement will begin on 3 January 2021.

In view of this, we will stop live streaming our services from 10 January onward. Our sermon will continue to be recorded and it will be made available on the following day. You may access our sermons online. Go to our church website at www.rockofages.org.sg or Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/rockofageschurch

Please also take note that our Chinese service will move back to the original timing at 10.00am from 10 January 2021 onward.

Another piece of good news is we will be resuming live worship from 10 January onward. Since the on-site service began in July, our worship is recorded as mandated by MCCY. We thank God for the positive step forward.

I look forward to our worship services in the New Year where we can see everyone back in the house of God.

We will continue to follow MCCY’s guidelines on safe-distancing and contact tracing.

May the Lord Jesus Christ protect and keep all our church members safe from plagues and pestilences! He is our shield and fortress. In Christ our Rock we trust! Praise God!

Pastor Leslie Chua

1 October 2020

Since 5 July, up to a maximum of 50 worshippers attend our regular Sunday service. The limit is mandated by MCCY (Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth). From 3 October onward, the limit will be raised to 100 persons. This number does not include the pastors, staff, and volunteers. An additional 100 persons are permitted to gather for ministry activities at different locations within the same place of worship.

We welcome the good news.

Given the latest update, our church will increase the total number of people in the worship service to 100 with effect from this Sunday (4 October).

Beginning this Sunday (4 October), Rock Youth will also resume their weekly Community Group meetings. Rock Kids will resume the following Sunday (11 October).

The church will continue to abide closely to the health and social distancing guidelines from MOH (Ministry of Health) and MCCY. We take the health of all our church members and visitors very seriously. Ultimately, we look to our God for good health and protection. He is able and faithful.

We continue to look forward to the day soon when the entire church can come back and worship together again.

Meanwhile, we will continue to live stream our worship service.

Please take note that you are still required to reserve your seat online. Go to our church website at www.rockofages.org.sg or Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/rockofageschurch/ to reserve your seat.

Pastor Leslie Chua

14 July 2020

This Sunday is our church’s 12th Anniversary. However, we will not be having our usual celebration. It will be a muted affair. However, Rock Kids, our children ministry, will restart this weekend.

With the youths back in the service two Sundays ago, parents were eager to have their children come back for Sunday school. I had originally planned for the children to come back later, but I am more than pleased to welcome them back earlier.

Beginning this Sunday, Rock Kids and Rock Youths will take turns on alternate weeks to run their respective activities in our church premise.

So that you know, we are following the MCCY guidelines closely. Under the guidelines, we can have 50 persons attending the worship service in the auditorium and an additional 50 others in the studios concurrently involved in classes and small group meetings subject to safe distancing measures.

As in the previous 2 weeks, the parents of the youths and children will be given priority for attending the worship service. The remaining slots will be opened to community group members and regular attendees on a first-come-first-serve basis. Booking for this week will be done through the community group leaders. From next week onward, reservation of seats will be done online. Watch out for the announcement.

We take the health of our church members very seriously. While we believe by faith in God’s protection and good hands upon us, we continue to follow the MOH (Ministry of Health) and MCCY’s (Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth) guidelines closely and take all the necessary precautionary measures.

We continue to look forward to the day when the whole church can gather physically again. Until then, we pray for the virus to be subdued in Jesus’ name!

Pastor Leslie Chua

2 July 2020

From this Sunday (5 July) onward, our church will reopen for our regular English worship service. However, we are restricted to only 50 persons in the auditorium. Therefore, not everyone can worship on-site. As such, we will continue to live stream our service.

Meanwhile, only certain groups of people will attend the service on-site. Priority is given to the youths, their parents, and the youth mentors. The few vacancies left are taken up by a few church leaders, those serving and their spouses.

My apologies that presently, we are unable to extend the privilege of attending to all our church members, regular attendees, and friends.

We will make some adjustments in the weeks ahead to accommodate as many of you as possible.

Let us continue to pray that the COVID-19 situation will ease off quickly and things will return to normality. We do not need to wait for a vaccine. God can do miracles!

Pastor Leslie Chua

26 June 2020

Our government and the MCCYS (Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth) have announced that religious organisations can now resume congregational and other worship services, with up to 50 persons at a time. This number excludes religious and supporting workers.

In view of this, our church will reopen from next Sunday (5 July), onward. For this coming Sunday (28 June), our worship service will continue with live streaming only.

Given that only 50 persons are admissible, we will continue to live stream our services until further notice.

Watch out for this space, and we will let you know soon the groups of members who will attend our on-site Sunday service.

Keep well and God bless you!

Pastor Leslie Chua

25 March 2020

The coronavirus crisis continues. Though the number of new cases in Singapore have not increased significantly, imported cases remain high. It is obviously a cause of concern. In the continual fight to curb the spread, our government has announced some new measures yesterday evening.

All religious services and congregations will be suspended with immediate effect. Places of worship may stay open subject to group sizes of 10 people or fewer at any time. Except in workplaces and schools, the public is also advised to avoid holding and participating in gatherings involving more than 10 people at any time.

In view of these new measures:

  • Our weekly English worship service will not be held as usual. It will be live streamed (9.30am-11.30am).

  • For the Chinese service, the sermon will be pre-recorded and posted online at 10am on Sunday.

  • Rock Kids will be suspended until further notice. Meanwhile, our children ministry will be recommending an online Sunday School programme, which parents can watch and participate with their children.

  • Community Group meetings for adults, young adults and youths will continue as usual. However, the group size will be limited to not more than 10 participants. For those groups meeting in the church premise, only one group will be permitted at any one time.


Continue to pray steadfastly for one another, our church and Singapore. Continue to hold on to the posture of faith over fear knowing that we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb of God. The plague of coronavirus will pass over you and your household.

Pastor Leslie Chua

24 March 2020

The coronavirus crisis continues unabated as it spreads beyond the region to 185 countries worldwide. The contagion is not surprising as we are living in an interconnected world. The number of people infected in many countries has increased dramatically. However, the situation in China, where the plague started, has stabilised.

In Singapore, the number of cases has also increased. It is largely due to citizens, permanent residents and Long-Term Pass holders returning from abroad. In its attempt to isolate imported cases, our government has closed our borders to short-term visitors and imposed travel restrictions to numerous countries. MOH (Ministry of Health) has also advised Singaporeans to defer all travel abroad. Those who returned are issued with a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN).

New Government Measures & Our Response

On 20th March 2020, MOH mandated new safe distancing measures including for events and gatherings. These new measures affected our church services and activities directly.

As the announcement was made two days before Sunday, our task force decided to temporarily suspend all our church-related activities until we had time to digest the implications and formulate our plans to comply with the government mandates. We proceeded with the Sunday service as usual, but with concurrent live streaming.

Our task force met with the church board and the working group, comprising of the pastors, heads of various ministries and key operation personnel, on Sunday.

Since we can sufficiently comply with the government mandates, we have decided on the followings:

  • Our Sunday service will continue as usual, Seating in the auditorium and studio for both the English and Chinese services will be arranged to comply with the 1 metre safe distancing requirement.

  • Live streaming of the English service will continue to serve the members who are directly and indirectly affected by LOA (Leave of Absence), SHN (Stay-Home Notice) and QO (Quarantine Order). We continue to advise those whose family members are served with the above notices not to attend our Sunday services and church activities.

  • Rock Youth and Rock Kids will resume their activities as usual. All the safe distancing measures will be implemented accordingly. Both these ministries will continue to function so long as the public schools remain opened,

  • Community Group meetings will resume after this week with no change.

  • We will continue to take all the ongoing precautionary measures and implement them stringently to provide a safe environment in our church facilities.

  • The situation is dynamic. So, the task force will continue to monitor the situation closely, keep track of the government guidelines and recommendations and respond accordingly in an objective, appropriate and calibrated manner.  


Advice to Our Church Members

At the personal level, I encourage our members to take note of the followings:

  • Take good care of your health and watch your personal hygiene. Wash your hands frequently.

  • Refrain from attending church and community group activities if you are feeling unwell.

  • For the elderly and those with low immunity, it is preferable for you to stay at home.

  • Refrain from non-essential travel.

Our Spiritual Posture

Finally, I urge everyone to continue in a posture of faith. Do not let fear dominate you. Put your trust in God. Take all the necessary precaution, but know that ultimately, our protection comes from God.

Know that the safest place in any crisis is at the centre of God’s will. Therefore, purpose to walk closely with our Lord Jesus Christ and stand on the promises of Psalm 91, which pertains to the assurance of protection from plagues and pestilences.

Live normally. Live in faith and freedom from fear because God watches over us. Besides, all the days of our lives had already been ordained by God (Psalm 139:16). Our destiny is in His good hands. This ought to be our confidence.

Pastor Leslie Chua

23 March 2020 (Updated Screening Measures)

We will decline entry of our premises for members and visitors that:

a. register a temperature of 37.5°C and above;

b. Local / Travel restrictions:

   If on Leave of Absence (LOA), Quarantine (QO), Stay-Home Notice (SH-N).

   ASEAN, China, Korea, Japan, Iran, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, UK - travelled there within last 14 days

   Rest of countries - if you had travelled overseas and returned to Singapore on or after 14 Mar 2020

c. are unwell and/or on Medical Leave with respiratory symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose);

d. had close contact with any persons positively diagnosed under LOA, SH-N or Quarantine.

19 March 2020 (Updated Screening Measures)

We will decline entry of our premises for members and visitors that:

a. register a temperature of 37.5°C and above;
b. are subjected to travel, Leave of Absence (“LOA”), Stay-Home Notice (SH-N) or Quarantine restrictions. Refer to Annex below for latest list of countries / regions and border control measures;
c. are unwell and/or on Medical Leave with respiratory symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose);
d. had close contact with any persons positively diagnosed under LOA, SH-N or Quarantine.


15 February 2020

Dear Members of Rock of Ages Church

It has come to my attention that besides Grace AOG, the Catholic Church and another church, Adam Road Presbyterian Church, have decided to suspend their congregational services and all their ministry activities.

The situation is undoubtedly concerning. We will watch and pray. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and take all the necessary precautionary measures to mitigate the risks.

For the moment, I advise that we take a measured approach in our response. Imagine all the offices, factories and services in Singapore decide to shut down, the entire nation will grind to an immediate halt. It will cause widespread panic. I do not think that it is helpful at this stage of the crisis.

Bear in mind that we have responsibility to our church members as well as our nation. Given that, we will continue to prayerfully seek God’s leading and discern His counsel. At the same time, we will follow the guidelines and recommendations of our government, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.

Therefore, we shall continue with our Sunday services and ministry activities in the meantime. Should it be necessary, we are ready for live streaming.

Let us continue to seek God and pray earnestly for the peace and welfare of our nation.

Pastor Leslie Chua

14 February 2020 / (Updated on 3 Mar)

To protect the health and well-being of our members and visitors amidst the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, our Church has implemented the following precautionary measures:

  1. Temperature screening and contact tracing will be required for everyone entering our Church premises.

  2. We will decline entry of our premises for members and visitors that:
    a. register a temperature of 37.5°C and above;
    b. are subjected to travel (visited Mainland China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, Spain, France and Germany in the last 14 days), Leave of Absence (“LOA”) , Stay-Home Notice (SH-N) or Quarantine restrictions;
    c. are unwell and/or on Medical Leave with respiratory symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose);
    d. had close contact with any persons positively diagnosed under LOA, SH-N or Quarantine.

  3. Hand sanitisers will be provided at various key locations within the premises such as the main entrance, reception area, auditorium and children ministry’s room.
    Our Screening team will be wearing masks while masks will also be made available to other helpers.

  4. We have also stepped up the frequency of cleaning and disinfection of our premises.

Let us put our trust in our Lord Jesus. “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” - Psalm 91:1-2