Head of Ministry

O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together
— Psalm 34:3

The RAC Worship Ministry seeks to unite the hearts of God’s people through praise and worship and as one body, enter into His presence. Our goal is to develop worshippers, musicians and leaders who set themselves apart to pursue God passionately through music and song.

We invite all worshippers who would like to serve the Lord through music to join us. Come and be transformed as we enter into God’s presence together!


Tuang Lee is passionate about seeking God's presence through praise and worship, as well as leading God’s people into His presence through corporate worship. Tuang Lee is currently the Assistant Managing Director (Capital Markets) of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. His work primarily involves overseeing the regulation and supervision of capital markets in Singapore

Worship is a lifestyle and not just a Sunday morning singing session. A worship leader’s role is to bring God’s people into His presence and he cannot bring them to where he has not been.
— Elder Tuang Lee