David's Mighty Men
Pastors Leslie & Adeline Chua
“Now these are the chiefs of David’s mighty men, who gave him strong support in his kingdom, together with all Israel, to make him king, according to the word of the LORD concerning Israel. ”
“Now these are the men who came to David at Ziklag, while he could not move about freely because of Saul the son of Kish. And they were among the mighty men who helped him in war.”
David was a man of many talents and accomplishments. From a lowly background of shepherding, he rose to become a mighty warrior and subsequently the king of Israel.
Among his many exploits, David was most famous for taking down Goliath, a giant, using just a sling and a stone. That happened when he was only a teenager with no military experience. Every kid, who has attended Sunday school, knows this story well.
David had his fair share of troubles. However, he always emerged victorious ultimately and he was successful in most, if not all, of his endeavours. It begs the question – what is the reason for his success?
The God-factor played a significant role
in David’s victories and successes.
However, we cannot ignore the human factor,
which undoubtedly also contributed much. ____________________________________________
Most people would point to the well-known fact that David was a man after God’s own heart. It is not a human opinion. God said so – “I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do” (Acts 13:22; 1 Samuel 13:14). So, God favoured David and granted him success.
When God is on your side, you will be successful. There is no question about that. A comment inserted into 1 Chronicles after David attacked the Jebusites and took over the city of Jerusalem is instructive – ‘And David became greater and greater, for the LORD of hosts was with him’ (1 Chronicles 11:9).
The God-factor played a significant role in David’s victories and successes. However, we cannot ignore the human factor, which undoubtedly also contributed much.
David was talented in many areas. Besides being a prolific composer and skilful musician, he was masterful in the art of military strategy.
David also surrounded himself with good advisors comprising of priests, prophets, political counsellors, and military commanders. These people, whom God had given to David, contributed much to the longevity of his success.
The Contribution of David’s Mighty Men
However, a small group of men that played a significant role in David’s life and success is often overlooked. They are collectively known as David’s mighty men. Toward the end of his life, David memorialised them. He listed them one by one by name and reminisced about some of their incredible exploits.
However, a small group of men
that played a significant role in David’s life and success
is often overlooked.
They are collectively known as David’s mighty men.
The number of mighty men is uncertain. Some commentaries put the number at thirty-seven. That is based on the account in 2 Samuel 23, which corresponds with 1 Chronicles 11. But clearly, 1 Chronicles 12 gives another list of them. So, the total number of mighty men easily exceeds thirty-seven.
Without these mighty men, David could not have survived his wilderness years when King Saul tried desperately to kill him. Without them, he could not have become king. Without them, he could not have defeated Israel’s enemies and brought peace to the nation. David owed his mighty men a huge debt for his continual success.
Characteristics of David’s Mighty Men
If historians had recorded the individual memoirs of these mighty men, it would be a fascinating read. They were the misfits and outcasts of society for different reasons. They did not fit the usual mould of heroes. They were a rough and tumble lot. Each of them was a good fighter and skilful in certain weapons.
Most of them sought out and joined David while he was on the run from King Saul. Some of them joined later as David was manoeuvring to gain support from the tribes for his kingship over all Israel.
It is interesting how God gathered these ragtag characters around David and how David turned them into a formidable fighting force. In as much as David needed them, they also needed David.
It takes a certain mental disposition to be bold and daring.
One must be willing to take risk.
Perhaps, even be prepared to die.
David’s mighty men exhibited such uncommon courage.
A few outstanding traits stand out as we take a closer look at these mighty men.
The most obvious quality is their courage. Not all skilful warriors are necessarily courageous. It takes a certain mental disposition to be bold and daring. One must be willing to take risk. Perhaps, even be prepared to die. David’s mighty men exhibited such uncommon courage.
One of these inspiring stories of courage took place in a barley field. David’s fighting men fled from their most formidable enemy, the Philistines. They were probably outnumbered. But Eleazar, a legend even by the standard of David’s mighty men, refused to retreat. He stood his ground. He single-handedly routed the Philistine forces and won a big victory on that day. Such was his bravery.
Perhaps the most remarkable characteristic exhibited by David’s mighty men is their loyalty to David and his cause. Anyone reading their stories would be invariably struck by the incredible loyalty these men showed toward David. Not much is written about David’s mighty men. But whenever they are mentioned, loyalty is uttered in the same breath.
Perhaps the most remarkable characteristic
exhibited by David’s mighty men
is their loyalty to David and his cause. ____________________________________________
David certainly was a great and inspiring leader. He was popular with people. But I believe that the mighty men’s loyalty was largely God-inspired. There is evidence for this observation.
When Amasai brought thirty mighty men to joined David, we are told – ‘Then the Spirit clothed Amasai, chief of the thirty, and he said, “We are yours, O David, and with you, O son of Jesse! Peace, peace to you, and peace to your helpers! For your God helps you”’ (1 Chronicles 12:18).
Can you see that? The Holy Spirit was involved in Amasai’s pledge of loyalty.
Trust, Alignment& Commitment
The mighty men’s loyalty was demonstrated by their trust in David, alignment to his cause, and commitment to his leadership.
Notice what Amasai said when he pledged loyalty to David - “We are yours, O David, and with you, O son of Jesse!” They willingly submitted themselves completely to David. In other words, they were at his disposal. Whatever he wanted them to do, they would obey and follow. They might have a different opinion, but they would ultimately align and comply with David’s decision.
The mighty men’s loyalty
was demonstrated by
their trust in David,
alignment to his cause,
and commitment to his leadership. ____________________________________________
Abishai was one of the most prominent mighty men. He was a commander over thirty of them. He could singlehandedly kill three hundred enemy combatants (1Chronicles 11:20-21).
On several occasions, Abishai disagreed with David. But he never overstepped his bounds. He voiced his opinions but respectfully submitted to David’s final decision.
One good example is when David and Abishai sneaked into King Saul’s camp. They found him sleeping. It was a good opportunity to end their misery. But David was hesitant. Abishai pressed David to permit him to kill Saul.
But David said to Abishai, “Do not destroy him, for who can put out his hand against the LORD’s anointed and be guiltless?”(1 Samuel 26:9)
Abishai was disappointed but said nothing more.
Loyalty is called into question
when trust, alignment, and commitment are broken.
Thus, Joab’s name was excluded
from David’s list of mighty men.
Abishai had two brothers, Asahel, and Joab. Asahel was also one of the mighty men. Surprisingly, Joab was not included in the list though he was the supreme commander of the army of Israel after David became king.
Why? Because on a few occasions, Joab defied David’s order and took things into his own hands when he disagreed with David.
That broke the mighty men’s honour code. Loyalty is called into question when trust, alignment, and commitment are broken. Thus, Joab’s name was excluded from David’s list of mighty men.
Reverential Love
It is highly unusual to associate love with macho warriors. Their instinct is to kill and annihilate. Love and tenderness are furthest from their minds. But these mighty men loved David. Respect and camaraderie do not adequately capture the essence of their feeling toward David. They respected him. They also loved him dearly.
One of the most touching episodes in the Old Testament involves three of David’s mighty men.
One day. they heard David longing for water from a well in his hometown of Bethlehem. At that time, the Philistines had control of Bethlehem. Notwithstanding, the three mighty men broke through the line of the Philistine garrison to fetch the water for David (1 Chronicles 11:15-19).
Modern readers are usually stumped by their action. To them, it is absurd at best and plain stupid at worst. Why did they take the risk? It was unnecessary.
But that is what reverential love is all about. You cannot satisfactorily explain it. This is loyalty and selfless service at its best.
Dedication & Selflessness
Another mighty man who exhibited dedication and selflessness is Uriah. Are you familiar with this name? Yes, I am referring to Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah. Hardly anyone knows that Uriah was one of David’s mighty man (2 Samuel 23:39). It is an obscure fact. Uriah’s name was mentioned last in the first list of David’s mighty men, thirty-seven in all.
Another mighty man
who exhibited dedication and selflessness
is Uriah.
This makes David’s sins look even more egregious. That he would steal the wife of one of his mighty men and then set him up to be killed makes my stomach churns.
When David summoned Uriah back from the battlefield to cover his sin of adultery, Uriah refused to go back to the comfort of his house and the warm embrace of his wife. Instead, he slept at the door of the palace with the king’s servants. He explained to David that he could not indulge in luxury when his fellow soldiers and the ark of God were in the battlefield. What a man!
Then, David got his commander, Joab, to send Uriah to the frontline and then withdraw the troops so that Uriah would be killed. Uriah could have retreated together with the troops, but he obeyed the orders given to him, stood his ground, and died fighting.
Such was his dedication and selflessness!
3 Lessons
Let me highlight three powerful lessons that we can learn from David’s mighty men.
First, do not serve your personal interests. All who serve our Lord Jesus Christ ought to do so solely for the sake of Christ, His church, and His Kingdom.
Alignment to the church leadership and pursuing the overall interests of the church are of utmost importance. It can be tempting to build your little kingdom, especially when you have garnered some influence.
First, do not serve your personal interests.
All who serve our Lord Jesus Christ
ought to do so solely
for the sake of Christ, His church, and His Kingdom. ____________________________________________
It is not wise to do so because it stirs up trouble. It creates factions and causes disunity. In his letter to the Corinthians, the apostle, Paul, warned against division. Disunity in the church hampers the anointing of God. God will hold you accountable.
It is also not wise because it incurs God’s displeasure. You do not want to come under God’s judgement.
Be loyal and trustworthy just like David’s mighty men. Obey your leaders and follow their instructions. Serve selflessly and with dedication.
Second, be courageous to carry out the will of God.
We are living at the end of the Last Days when spiritual warfare is taking place with unprecedented intensity. It has become increasingly difficult to preach the gospel and stand on biblical truths.
Second, be courageous
to carry out the will of God. ____________________________________________
Our experience with the culture wars in recent years has given us a taste of the challenge. Under the influence of the prevailing culture, our society has become more and more entrenched in demonic deception. Sadly, many Christians and churches have also been deceived.
We need discernment. We also need to know what to do, and after that, the courage to do it. It is not easy to speak the truth when the mainstream cultural narratives have been hijacked by the devil. We risk misunderstanding, losing friendship, and social isolation.
May God give you courage! You need it. Things are going to get worse. If we cannot stand firm now, how are we going to be steadfast in the coming days?
Third, respect your pastors and leaders. Love them.
Pray for them. This is so critical as the devil always attacks the pastors and key leaders first. You have heard of the saying, ‘Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ So, stand in the gap and intercede for them. Uphold them in constant prayer.
Third, respect your pastors and leaders.
Love them. ____________________________________________
Serve them as they serve the Lord, the church, and you. Support them by making their service unto the Lord a joy and not a chore. Show your appreciation to them.
Be a mighty man or a mighty woman to your pastors and key leaders for the sake of Christ and His church.