The Issachar Anointing
Pastors Leslie & Adeline Chua
“…men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do—200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command…”
“…and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.”
Welcome to the New Year 2021!
The world is still grappling with the implications of the coronavirus crisis after fumbling through much of 2020. As such, it is heading into 2021 with caution and uncertainty. Most people welcome the new year without the typical excitement. Understandably so.
So much had happened. I do not foresee things going back to normality. I anticipate many more events with eschatological implications ahead. We must keep our eyes opened. The prophetic passages in the bible concerning the close of this present age is going to come alive before our eyes.
Above all else,
we need spiritual discernment.
Discernment is crucial
as many of the developments
will be unprecedented. ____________________________________________
However, I suspect that many believers will remain unaware. We need to know the Scriptures well and keep our eyes on the global current affairs. Above all else, we need spiritual discernment. Discernment is crucial as many of the developments will be unprecedented.
The prophet, Daniel, said that the prophetic words concerning the End will be unveiled at the time of the End (Daniel 12:9). However, no one will be able to understand and perceive them without spiritual discernment. We need the Holy Spirit to illuminate our minds and reveal the mysteries to us.
The Men of Issachar
In chapter 12 of 1 Chronicles, we read of the account of men from various tribes going over to David to make him king over all Israel. Essentially, these tribes were switching their loyalty from the house of Saul to David.
Discernment is the ability to pick up things in the spirit.
A discerning person can sense and perceive
that which escapes the eyes.
Such a person is usually a good judge
of people, situations, and timing.
A brief description is given of each tribe regarding their bravery, experience, and weapons. The description of one tribe stands out. The men from the tribe of Issachar were different from the rest. They ‘understood the times and knew what Israel should do.’ In other words, they had discernment and wisdom.
Discernment is the ability to pick up things in the spirit. A discerning person can sense and perceive that which escapes the eyes. Such a person is usually a good judge of people, situations, and timing. It is a spiritual gift. However, it can also be honed through knowing the Word of God well and learning the fine art of observation.
In the context of 1 Chronicles chapter 12,
the men of Issachar discerned
that God was changing the times and seasons
and shifting dynasties.
Wise and discerning people like the sons of Issachar are indispensable in royal courts, present-day political arenas, and battlefields. They are skilled strategists for statecraft, political manoeuvring, and warfare.
In the context of 1 Chronicles chapter 12, the men of Issachar discerned that God was changing the times and seasons and shifting dynasties (Daniel 2:21). The prophet, Samuel, had prophesied many years before that David would be the next king. But then was the ’kairos’- God-ordained strategic - moment. That was their motivation to join David.
As for the rest of the tribes, they weighed their options. It can be surmised that their decision was driven by political expediency. David had been king over Judah for seven years, but these tribes continued to be loyal to the house of Saul. But at that time when David was in the ascendancy and gaining more political clout, they decided to place their bets on David.
Discernment Sorely Needed for the Days Ahead
2020 was an unusual year. We witnessed many drastic changes that took place. Many of these changes were unexpected.
Is COVID-19 the cause of these changes?
In a sense, the answer is yes. However, I would argue that there is more than meets the eyes. The coronavirus is not so much the cause, but the catalyst that hastens and brings to the surface those things which had been hidden.
Global Governance
The politics of how nations will be governed going forward has become more obvious. Democracy has been the favoured and de facto mode of government in most countries in recent decades. However, an obvious shift is happening, and it has accelerated during the COVID-19 crisis. It is especially obvious in Western countries. The balance of power is moving away from the citizens to the government. Civil liberties are curbed in the name of health safety and protection unreasonably in some of these countries.
Democracy as we know it is waning.
The world is moving quickly toward
a more totalitarian form of governance.
Global trade and finance are shaped by big-money interests, multi-national corporations, and global elites rather than the sovereign national governments. Already, we are seeing their tentacles in global and national institutions. This is a worrying sign. This trend of globalisation will lead to power concentration in the hands of a small group of uber-rich and powerful political elites.
Democracy as we know it is waning. The world is moving quickly toward a more totalitarian form of governance.
If you think that I sounded like an alarmist or a conspiracy theorist, you have not opened your eyes. These developments are on open display if you would only observe.
Mainstream Media & Tech Giant Control
Another disturbing sign that emerges during the COVID-19 crisis is the mainstream media giants and big tech flexing their muscles. They used to be subtle in the way they controlled the news and public opinions. No longer now. They are in your face with their lies and censorship.
By controlling the narrative,
these media giants control
how they want you to think and act.
Essentially, they are shaping your beliefs
about the coronavirus and any given topic.
The media giants no longer do factual reporting. Instead, they have become propaganda machines. They decide what they want the masses to hear and see with biased reporting and manufactured news. They also censor all alternative narratives.
Many famous medical experts and top-notched epidemiologists have alternative opinions concerning the COVID-19 virus and how to deal with it. But the mainstream media would not report on their views and the social media giants would censor their contents.
By controlling the narrative, these media giants control how they want you to think and act. Essentially, they are shaping your beliefs about the coronavirus and any given topic.
This is the way the communist and fascist regimes in the past controlled the masses. This is how the Anti-Christ will control the world. The world is quickly heading in this dystopian direction.
The COVID-19 crisis has changed the way we live, work, and interact. Social distancing, mask-wearing, restricted gathering, digital contact tracing, and travel restriction are mandated for safety and health reason.
Not many people realise that these precautionary measures can be easily abused. They can be used to control the global population and the movement of people. It is not far-fetched to speculate that one day, you will not be eligible to travel without mandatory vaccinations. Such mandates can be easily extended to other basic activities.
Not many people realise
that these precautionary measures
can easily be abused.
They can be used
to control the global population and its movement.
These restrictions give you an idea of how the 666-mark of the beast will be used to control trade and finance and every aspect of your life.
Can you see that we are living in a precarious time? The Orwellian world of totalitarian control is not far off.
None of the things that I have mentioned would be possible without the advancement in the field of technology.
We are living in the age of digital, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology revolutions all rolled into one. The level of sophistication achieved in these fields is staggering. This the time that the prophet, Daniel, described as when ‘knowledge shall increase’ (Daniel 12:4).
These new technologies
are enabling mass surveillance and tracking.
If history and biblical prophecies are any guides, the world is not heading toward a utopia, but a terrifying future.
These new technologies are enabling mass surveillance and tracking. You have probably read about the social credit system in China. Thousands of cameras strategically positioned throughout the city collect data of individuals via video surveillance and real-time data transfers.
The public behaviour of the citizens is monitored and scrutinised. Social credits are awarded or deducted depending on one’s behaviour.
“Those who lose credibility
will find it hard to make a tiny step in society.”
Li Keqiang,
Chinese Premier
As the South China Morning Post reported, “A good rating could offer priority health care or deposit-free renting of public housing, while a negative rating could see individuals banned from flights and trains.”
The newspaper went on to quote the Chinese premier, Li Keqiang, “Those who lose credibility will find it hard to make a tiny step in society.”
This is the kind of world we are rapidly heading toward. While our society has benefited tremendously from technological advances, these powerful technologies also open doors to abuses, which you can be sure will be exploited.
Can you see that the stage is being set for totalitarianism, and finally the emergence of the global dictator, the Anti-Christ? The trajectory is clear.
Discern the Times
Coupled with the ongoing social revolution aimed at destroying the basic marriage and family structures and Judeo-Christian values to destabilise society, we are in for a very rough ride in the years ahead.
Will all these developments culminate in the return of Christ? It certainly looks that way. It is a matter of how soon.
Discern the times! Discern the season that we are in!
Do not be like the people living during Jesus’ time. Jesus chided them, "When evening comes, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red, 'and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times (Matthew 16:2-3).
Because they could not discern the time of the Messiah, they miss Jesus altogether. They rejected Him and crucified Him. What a tragedy!
We desperately need the Issachar anointing!
And what an irony that God’s chosen people would miss their Messiah!
Will the same thing happen with Jesus’ Second Coming?
Do not bet against it. Otherwise, Jesus would not have warned His disciples to be vigilant and ready for His return. It will be like a thief coming in the night. Do not be caught unprepared.
Discern the times. Discern the signs.
We desperately need the Issachar anointing!