The Enemy Sows Weeds While You Sleep
Pastors Leslie & Adeline Chua
“He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away…”
The parables of the Kingdom of God recorded in Matthew chapter 13 are incredibly important. Yet, they are not well understood. Not everybody can understand them. Jesus prefaced this series of Kingdom parables by quoting the prophet, Isaiah - “You will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but never perceive” (Matthew 13:14 - ESV).
It seems strange because these are simple stories that even an uneducated person can easily understand. However, divine truths require spiritual perception. Jesus attributed people’s inability to perceive to the dullness of their hearts. It is due to their spiritual apathy and indifference to the things of God.
While this Parable of the Weeds speaks specifically of true and false believers, it also paints a picture of the devil’s constant interference in our life. God sows good seeds in the field of our life while the devil sows bad seeds. These bad seeds produce weeds, which interfere with our spiritual growth and development. They also desensitise us spiritually.
Jesus constantly warned His disciples to be alert and watchful. “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation,” Jesus said in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:41). “Stay awake,”and “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day or the hour,” He warned in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:42& 25:13). “Wake up and strengthen what remains and is about to die,” the risen Christ commanded the apathetic church in Sardis (Revelation 3:2). It is critically important to be vigilant because the “enemy”sows weeds into your life while you sleep.
Affluenza, spiritual apathy, and indifference
are the devil’s favourite weeds. ____________________________________________
Contrary to conventional thinking, Satan and his demonic minions do not always attack God’s people directly. Instead, he usually resorts to distraction and lulling believers to sleep. He sows weeds while you sleep.These weeds choke and desensitise Christians spiritually. Affluenza, spiritual apathy, and indifference are the devil’s favourite weeds.
Affluenza is the pursuit of money and wealth. Jesus cautioned His disciples concerning the “cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches” in the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:22).
Recently, in my sermon series on “Money Matters,” I have been warning of the dangers of affluenza. The love of money is always dangerous. It invariably leads to many pitfalls and heartaches. Besides that, the pursuit of money and material possessions distract believers from their focus on God.
The Word of God warns of great shakings at the end of the Last Days. Financial shaking is inevitable. It is specifically mentioned in the bible. Haggai’s prophecy about God shaking the heavens and the earth was immediately followed by references to the “the treasures of all the nations” and “silver and gold” (Haggai 2:7-8). A significant portion of the prophecy concerning the severe judgement of mystery Babylon deals with its trade, commercial and financial systems (Revelation 18). Its collapse will be fast and disastrously spectacular.
The current coronavirus pandemic has precipitated a serious economic crisis. It could potentially get worse. I believe that we are in the middle of the birth pains leading to the Tribulation. During this period or possibly prior to it, the 666-beast system that controls global trade, business and financial transactions will be rolled out.
Make God your master and money your servant.
Otherwise, you could fall prey
to the deception of the Anti-Christ
and you may not be able to extricate yourself
from his devious schemes. ____________________________________________
God’s people are forbidden from participating in this Anti-Christ monetary system. What are you going to do?
Therefore, take heed of Jesus’ warning, “You cannot serve God and money.” Make God your master and money your servant. Otherwise, you could fall prey to the deception of the Anti-Christ and you may not be able to extricate yourself from his devious schemes.
Spiritual Apathy
Satan has sown the seeds of spiritual apathy successfully in the field of many Christians. The contemporary church is a splitting image of the church in Laodicea. It is not surprising as the Laodicean church is a prophetic symbol of the church before the return of Christ. Its distinctive characteristic is that it is lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. This is Jesus’ brutally honest assessment of her condition, and He warns that He will spit out such kind of believers from His mouth (Revelation 3:16).
Satan has sown
the seeds of spiritual apathy successfully
in the field of many Christians. ____________________________________________
We must check our spiritual condition. Do not be too certain that God is not pointing His finger at you. Consider, in the words of Paul, if you have the “appearance of godliness but denying its power” (2 Timothy 3:5). Consider if Jesus is sitting on the throne of your life or He is only a casual visitor in your life. Maybe, like the Laodicean church, Jesus is standing outside the door of your heart, and He is knocking seeking to come into your life once again (Revelation 3:20).
You must repent if you have been caught up with your work, family, and good life. Repent if you have been consistently spending more time in your leisure and entertainment than time in prayer, reading and studying the bible. Repent of your spiritual apathy.
Christ’s return is soon. Shake off your spiritual apathy and wake up.
The weeds of indifference cover the field of God’s house. Many faithful and regular churchgoers are only interested in the Word of God to the extent that it has direct applications to their life, work, and family. Generally, many contemporary Christians show little interest in anything beyond this narrow focus. Even if they do, they lack the time and energy.
But I contend that we cannot afford to be indifferent in this season. We are living in a perilous time just before the imminent return of Christ.
Discern the time. The bible is coming alive as we witness the eschatological prophecies unfolding before our eyes. It is exciting as well as a scary time.
The Jews missed the first coming of Christ because they did not pay careful attention to the Messianic prophecies in the Scriptures. Do you know that there are many more prophecies concerning Christ’s return than His first coming? God put these prophecies in the bible to inform us so that we can prepare ourselves to be the radiant Bride of Christ, our Bridegroom.
Discern the time.
The bible is coming alive
as we witness the eschatological prophecies
unfolding before our eyes.
It is an exciting as well as a scary time. ____________________________________________
Many of these prophecies are cryptic and mysterious. So,they are hard to understand. Like the parables, God will only reveal their meaning to those who seek Him for insight. We cannot be indifferent. Instead, we should be curious and eager to find out.
666, the mark of the beast, is a good example. It is a mystery. Wisdom and understanding are necessary to decipher its meaning. Does it stir your curiosity?
During this coronavirus pandemic, I have observed a fascinating development. There is a strong call and consensus to mass vaccinate the world’s population. The objective is to control the spread of the supposedly lethal virus.
That is a good thing by itself. There is nothing alarming about it. However, concurrently, there is a strong push by prominent global figures and influential voices to digitally tag those who are vaccinated. National governments are buying into the idea because it makes sense.
Why not? Digital tagging allows for the control of the spread of COVID-19 or any infectious diseases. Only those who have been vaccinated will be allowed to move around freely within the country and across borders.
Various technologies are available. A microchip, which is only the size of a grain of rice and embedded in your hand, can store your vaccination certificates and personal information.
Another method is the biometric tattooing. The researchers of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a process called quantum dot dye. No physical chip is involved. This quantum dot dye is delivered together with the vaccine. It leaves a digital tattoo underneath the skin of your hand. It functions like a microchip, storing your vaccination records and personal data.
Imagine the entire world’s population is microchipped or digitally tattooed. Your personal information will no longer confidential. Your movement can be monitored and tracked. The implications for civil liberties are concerning.
Is the microchip or digital tattoo a forerunner of the 666-beast system? Can you see how the COVID-19 crisis has conveniently become a catalytic event to digitally mark everybody? Can you see the move in the direction of mass surveillance and totalitarian control? Can you discern that the stage is being set for the emergence of the Anti-Christ?
You do not want to be caught sleeping
in a time like this.
The 666-beast system
could come upon us subtly instead of clearly.
We must be prepared
lest we become
blind-sided and deceived
into taking up the mark of the beast.
This is no time to be indifferent to the events surrounding us. Biblical prophecies and current affairs are melding as one.
Wake up and be alert!
You do not want to be caught sleeping in a time like this. The 666-beast system could come upon us subtly instead of clearly. We must be prepared lest we become blind-sided and deceived into taking up the mark of the beast.
Refusing to take up what may be the mark of the beast has consequences. Christians who hold to their stand steadfastly and refuse to be marked will be branded as bigots and religious morons. You will be ostracised.
The days ahead are not going to be easy. So, be informed and instructed by the Word of God. Get rid of the weeds of affluenza, spiritual apathy, and indifference so that you are not spiritually dull, but sharp and alert. Then, you will be spiritually discerning.
The preparation begins now! Awake from your sleep!