Do People Really Have Guardian Angels?
Pastors Leslie & Adeline Chua
““See that you do not despise one of these little ones.
For I tell you that in heaven their angels
always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.””
A significant number of Christians believe that we have guardian angels. The Catholics certainly believe so. But is this biblical or is it a myth?
The precise term, guardian angel, cannot be found anywhere in the bible. Perhaps, this is the reason one can hardly find any meaningful discussion concerning guardian angels in most serious Christian literature on angelology.
However, before we jump into the conclusion that there is no such a category as guardian angels, be mindful of the fact that neither can the term, trinity, be found in the bible. Yet, the concept of trinity is clearly taught in the New Testament. Trinity is a biblical and theological fact. God is triune in nature. He is one God but three consubstantial Persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Evidence of Guardian Angels – Matthew 18:10
Most people would point to Jesus’ statement in Matthew 18:10 to substantiate their claim that children and believers have guardian angels watching over them - “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.”
Within the context of the passage, these ‘little ones’ refer to children (Matthew 18:1-4). Jesus was teaching His disciples about the significance of humility in the Kingdom of God. He got hold of a little child and used him as an example of innocence and humility.
Notice that Jesus referred to the angels as ‘their angels.’ That is, the angels of these ‘little ones.’ We can surmise that God has assigned these angels to the children. Presumably for the task of watching over them. They protect them and care for their well-being.
These angels also play an intercessory role. They watch over the children and they also appear before the Heavenly Father. They do so ‘always’ according to Jesus. It is reasonable to presume that when they meet the Father face-to-face, they report to Him concerning the children under their charge. They would appeal to God for His intervention should their charges require any help.
Evidence of Guardian Angels – Psalm 91:11
Now, consider the often-quoted verse in Psalm 91 – ‘For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways’ (Psalm 91:11).
Take note of three important points in this verse.
First, God commands His angels to watch over His people. In other words, God assigns angels to you.
They are fully dedicated and committed
to guard and protect you in every area of your life.
Their eyes are on you 24-7.
What a comforting thought!
Second, these angels guard us. They watch over us and protect us.
Third, they guard you ‘in all your ways.’ The phrase, ‘in all your ways,’ suggests a comprehensive coverage of your life. In other words, these angels are completely involved in your life. They do not serve on an ad hoc basis responding only when you dial God’s emergency hotline. They are fully dedicated and committed to guard and protect you in every area of your life. Their eyes are on you 24-7. What a comforting thought!
Evidence of Guardian Angels – Hebrews 1:14
Referring to angels, the author of the epistle to the Hebrews asked, “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14 - NIV)
Clearly, there is a category of angels
whom God has assigned
for the sole purpose of ministering
to believers of Christ Jesus.
This is by far the clearest statement in the New Testament concerning guardian angels. I would not split hairs over the difference between guardian angels and ministering spirits. Essentially, they mean one and the same thing. In fact, the term, ministering, covers a more comprehensive array of functions beyond merely guarding and protecting. It also means taking care of your needs and general well-being.
Clearly, there is a category of angels whom God has assigned for the sole purpose of ministering to believers of Christ Jesus. In essence, they help the saints to fight the good fight of faith by ministering to their needs as they journey through life.
Evidence of Guardian Angels – Second Temple Period Writings
Interestingly, the Second Temple period writings have more to say concerning the guarding, ministering and intercessory roles of angels. You find such passages in the texts of 1 Enoch, Jubilees, Tobit, and others.
While the Second Temple period literature are not inspired texts, they provide us with good insights into the thinking and beliefs of that period. They serve as useful backdrops for the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament writings.
For example, Peter and Jude quoted and made references to the book of 1 Enoch (one example: Jude 6; 2 Peter 2:4; 1 Enoch 10:11-13). Many modern believers are baffled by what both apostles wrote concerning this group of fallen angels, which was different from the group that joined Lucifer in his rebellion against God. But not the first-century Jews. They understood Peter and Jude perfectly well.
Great is the dignity of the human soul
since each of them has from the very outset of his life
an angel deputed to safeguard him.
Jerome, church father & theologian
Similarly, these Jewish believers understood the angelic ministry of guardianship and intercession. It was common knowledge for the Jews at that time.
It was also a commonly held belief for the early church and the church throughout much of church history. There was no controversy about it.
Jerome, an early church father and theologian, commented regarding guardian angels – “Great is the dignity of the human soul since each of them has from the very outset of his life an angel deputed to safeguard him.”
The immensely influential thirteenth-century philosopher and theologian, Thomas Aquinas, also believed that God assigned guardian angels to people from birth.
Questions arose only after the Reformation. People like John Calvin flatly rejected the idea. Is it because in the zeal of rejecting numerous corrupt doctrines and malpractices of the institutional church, the baby is also thrown out together with the bathwater?
Believers Have Guardian Angels
Taken together with the Second Temple period writings, these verses - Matthew 18:10, Psalm 91:11, and Hebrews 1:14 - give a reasonably clear inference of God assigning guardian angels to watch over and protect His people and children.
Do All Children Have Guardian Angels?
We do not, however, know whether every baby born into the world is assigned a guardian angel or angels. Jesus’ statement about the ‘little ones’ in Matthew 18:10 was made in the context of the Jews, who were God’s covenant people.
Children from Christian families
are assigned guardian angels.
So, while I can safely say that children from Christian families are assigned guardian angels, nothing conclusive can be said about children born to people of other religious faiths.
Then again, nothing is stopping God from lavishing His common grace on all children. He who makes the sun to shine on both the just and the unjust could very well assign guardian angels for all the little ones until such time when they decide to reject Christ.
Angels Guarded & Protected Elisha
One of the most fascinating accounts of angels guarding God’s people is the story of the prophet, Elisha. The king of Syria sent a great army with horses and chariots to capture the prophet. They surrounded the city. On seeing the grave situation, Elisha’s servant panicked.
Elisha was unfazed. He said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” (2 Kings 6:16)
What was Elisha saying? Who was he referring to? Angels! Angels that God sent to protect and guard him.
The LORD God sent an army of angels
to protect his prophet.
God will do the same for us.
The angel of the LORD encamps around those
who fear him, and delivers them (Psalm 34:7).
He saw the angels, but not his servant. So, Elisha prayed for God to open his servant’s eyes that he might also see and not be afraid.
When the LORD opened his eyes, he could see ‘the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.’ (2 Kings 6:17).
The LORD God sent an army of angels to protect his prophet. God will do the same for us. The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them (Psalm 34:7). Hallelujah!
Guardian Angels for Israel
Besides assigning guardian angels to believers, God also assigns them to watch over his covenant nation, Israel.
This fact is seen clearly in Daniel’s encounter with an angel in Daniel chapter 10. God sent an angel in response to Daniel’s prayer and fasting.
In the words of the angel, he was resisted and delayed for twenty-one days by the ‘Prince of the kingdom of Persia’ and the ‘kings of Persia.’ These were not human beings, but powerful fallen angelic entities ruling over the nation of Persia.
Michael is the prince over Israel (Daniel 10:21).
Put it in another way,
Michael is the guardian angel
of the nation of Israel.
Any doubt about their angelic identity is immediately dispelled by the fact that Michael, described as ‘one of the chief princes,’ came to help the angel.
Angels are much more powerful in strength than humans. Just one angel could strike down 185,000 Assyrians troops (2 Kings 19:35). There is just no way humans can fight with angels. Besides, we know that Michael is one of God’s loyal archangels.
At the end of the chapter, we are told that Michael is the prince over Israel (Daniel 10:21). Put it in another way, Michael is the guardian angel of the nation of Israel.
Guardian Angel over the Church
In the same way, a case can be made that God also assigns guardian angels to watch over His churches. In the book of Revelation, we read of God writing letters to seven churches in Asia Minor.
A case can be made
that God also assigns guardian angels
to watch over His churches.
Each of these letters begins with God addressing the angel of the church. So, to the church in Ephesus, this is how the letter begins: “To the angel of the church in Ephesus…” (Revelation 2:1).
These letters were written to the churches, but interestingly God addressed the angels of the churches. In speaking to the angels, God was essentially speaking to the churches under their care and oversight. Obviously, these angels played a significant role in the life of these churches.
These seven angels are the guardian angels over these seven churches.
God’s Love & Care for His People
The truth about guardian angels reveals God’s love and care for His church and the saints. Christians can take heart that God, who neither slumbers nor sleeps, has also assigned guardian angels to watch over, minister, and render help to us. We have a double layer of supernatural security and protection. What a reassuring and comforting thought!
The truth about guardian angels
reveals God’s love and care
for His church and the saints.
Just as it was with Elisha’s servant, may the eyes of our heart be opened to the powerful and comforting reality of the angelic presence in our life!