2022 & The Days Ahead
Pastor Leslie Chua
“At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.””
We have just entered 2022. Usually, people look forward excitedly to a new year, but not this year. There is a general sense of uncertainty and foreboding. Many are pessimistic. It is understandable considering how the world has been struggling with the coronavirus crisis and the attendant social and economic fallouts in the last 2 years.
2020 and 2021 had been an extremely trying period. Looking ahead, nobody is any wiser exactly what to expect. How this pathogen and its variants will mutate and how national governments and health organisations will respond are anybody’s guess. Will the crisis persist? Will there be a reprieve?
Will something worse happen?
Already, there are predictions of massive cyberattacks on a scale that will disrupt the global supply chain. The World Economic Forum (WEF) conducted three ‘cyber pandemic’ simulations in 2021.
In a short video produced by the WEF, it claims – “A cyberattack with COVID-like characteristics will spread faster and further than any biological virus. Its reproductive rate would be ten times greater than what we’ve experienced with the coronavirus.” 1
Reuters reported on 9 December 2021 – “Israel on Thursday led a 10-country simulation of a major cyberattack on the global financial system in an attempt to increase cooperation that could help to minimise any potential damage to financial markets and banks.” This exercise was carried out with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
Wars & Rumours of Wars
Potentially, three wars involving countries that possess nuclear weapons may erupt.
Russia has been amassing its troops and military hardware at its border with Ukraine. This conflict also involves the U.S. and the Western powers. A war is imminent if the present tension is not quickly defused.
Potentially, three wars involving countries that possess nuclear weapons may erupt.
Then, there is the China-Taiwan conflict. It is a long-standing issue. Recently, there are signs that the situation may worsen.
Of special interest to Christians is the rising tension between Israel and Iran. These two countries are archenemies. Iran has been threatening to wipe out Israel.
This radical Islamic country is on the verge of producing nuclear weapons. Israel knows that it has to do whatever is necessary to neutralise this clear and present threat to its existence before it is too late. A full-blown war appears imminent.
The Old Testament prophet, Ezekiel, prophesied about this war in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39.
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus warned of wars and rumours of wars, which will signal the beginning of the end.
One of the key players in this Ezekiel 38-39 war is Turkey. Turkey is presently in a bad shape economically. Its stock market and currency have collapsed. History has shown that countries under dictatorial control tended to go to war to deflect attention away from their domestic woes.
If a war were to start on any of these three fronts, it will likely trigger a war on the other two fronts because the U.S. cannot be involved in all three theatres of conflict concurrently. That is how precarious the situation is.
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus warned of wars and rumours of wars, which will signal the beginning of the end.
Global Economic Crisis
Personally, I expect a serious global financial crisis in 2022. The loose monetary policy cannot continue indefinitely. The trillions of U.S. dollars printed in the last two years have driven up the global financial markets and property prices.
These high prices and lofty valuations are not sustainable. Potentially, inflation could spiral out of control, which in turn will push up interest rates. A quick and hefty rise in interest rates has serious ramifications.
The Rise of Totalitarianism
Another disturbing sign pointing to the likelihood that we are standing at the threshold of the end of this present age is the rise of totalitarianism around the world. The trend is especially obvious in the West.
The cancel culture is running rampant. Views and opinions that are contrary to the mainstream progressive narratives are summarily censored and shut out in the mainstream and social media.
The West has been the champion of democracy, human rights, and free speech. However, things have changed drastically in recent years.
Cultural Marxism has infiltrated into various spheres of Western societies. The cancel culture is running rampant. Views and opinions that are contrary to the mainstream progressive narratives are summarily censored and shut out in the mainstream and social media.
It started with the LGBT movement. Now, contrarian views regarding climate change and vaccination using mRNA technology are vilified and censored. This is highly unusual. It is not the modus operandi of Western societies.
The rise of totalitarianism is a biblical sign of the end.
Another concerning development is the strong push for vaccination passports in the West. While I can understand certain safety measures must be implemented, there are far too many unanswered questions and inconsistent policies regarding the response to the pandemic. Many of these policies are questionable.
Medical tyranny can easily lead to excessive control in other areas. Many people have good reasons to fear the worst if vaccination passports are made mandatory.
The rise of totalitarianism is a biblical sign of the end. Biblical prophecies are clear. The Antichrist and his one-world government, which is European-centric, will attempt to exert an ironclad grip over the entire world. It will be done through the 666-mark of Antichrist. Without the mark, no one can buy or sell.
Be Prepared for Challenging Times Ahead
How I wish I could say that 2022 will be a great year. Everybody loves to hear good news. But looking at the trends and connecting biblical prophecies to the current events and development, the year ahead and beyond do not look good.
We must be prepared for challenging times in the days ahead. Always remember that God’s grace is sufficient to see His people through in whatever season we find ourselves in. In the direst times, His strength will be made perfect in our weakness. His faithfulness will never fail.
We must be prepared for challenging times in the days ahead.
It is God who put us in such a time as this. Listen to what the apostle, Paul, said, “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place” (Acts 17:26).
We are part of His plan in this hour. Therefore, rest assured that God will enable and empower us so that we will not just survive but thrive.
Is it impossible? Nothing is impossible for the sovereign and mighty God.
Consider the biblical precedence. Isaac thrived during a time of famine. He sowed and reaped a hundredfold in that barren year. Joseph prospered despite facing repeated injustice and a series of misfortunes. Daniel thrived in a culturally hostile and religiously pagan environment. Jeremiah withstood the persecution of political elites and ordinary people to accomplish the purpose of God for him and his country.
2022 and beyond will be a time of shakings.
May the Lord grant you grace, wisdom and courage to live victoriously to the glory of His name!
So, take heart. God is with us. Expect tough times ahead but don’t be afraid. Trust in God and keep your eyes fixed on Him. We will be tested. But as we go through the refiner’s fire, we will come forth as pure gold. Christ Jesus who began a good work in us will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6).
2022 and beyond will be a time of shakings. May the Lord grant you grace, wisdom and courage to live victoriously to the glory of His name!
1 https://www.weforum.org/videos/a-cyber-attack-with-covid-like-characteristics