New Wineskin For The New Season
Pastor Leslie Chua
“No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch tears away from the garment, and a worse tear is made. Neither is new wine put into old wineskins. If it is, the skins burst and the wine is spilled and the skins are destroyed. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved.
The world has entered a new season. It began in earnest about two years ago at the onset of the coronavirus crisis.
Many things have changed in the last two years, and the change is global in nature and scale.
Our way of life, from social interaction to the way business is conducted, has changed dramatically.
In the past two years, we witness the biggest transfer of wealth in human history. The world’s richest billionaires become even richer while millions of small and medium-sized businesses are destroyed.
The world has entered a new season.
It began in earnest about two years ago at the onset of the coronavirus crisis…. Many things have changed in the last two years, and the change is global in nature and scale.
Human rights and civil liberties are curbed with the introduction of vaccine mandates and passports in many parts of the world. In some cases, the measures are draconian and the restrictions unreasonable. Alternative views challenging illogical mainstream narratives are not tolerated, and they are arbitrarily censored. Strangely, such occurrences are most prevalent in countries in the West, which traditionally are bastions of liberal democracy and champions of free speech.
Artificial intelligence and biotechnology are now dominating the headlines. The internet of things is quickly morphing into the internet of bodies. Soon, humans will become cyborgs with Artificial Intelligence and biotechnological enhancements. The lines between reality and virtual reality will also be blurred with the development of the metaverse.
Our ability to transact financially – buy and sell – will soon be dictated by the climate change and woke agendas. The ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) metrics will be aggressively implemented through the global financial and banking systems. Any non-compliant nations, companies, and individuals will be shut out and left stranded.
You do not have to possess any prophetic gifting to discern these trends and developments. These are also not predictions. Anyone with eyes wide open can see these changes taking place right before us.
The change is monumental and fundamental. It is also irreversible. Our world has been fundamentally reshaped by these forces in recent years. This is the new normal. You probably have come across this term, which makes many people uncomfortable.
Things will change further. The powerful global elites, who gather regularly at Davos under the umbrella of the World Economic Forum, have elaborate plans to push this Great Reset further. They have openly and repeatedly said that they would take advantage of crises, like the current coronavirus crisis, to fundamentally reset the world according to their vision. Who knows if some of these crises are manufactured?
We are living in this momentous hour witnessing eschatological prophecies coming to pass before our eyes.
I see the reordering of the world by these elites as a bold attempt at global control and domination. It is a conspiracy similar to the drama at the Tower of Babel. Needless to say, it is a Satanically-inspired conspiracy.
Please do not call it a conspiracy theory unless you consider biblical prophecies concerning the emergence of a ten-nation Antichrist-led empire at the end of the Last Days a conspiracy theory. It is a conspiracy of the highest order, but not a conspiracy theory. It is real.
We are living in this momentous hour witnessing eschatological prophecies coming to pass before our eyes.
Kairos Time
The Greeks use two words to describe time.
Chronos refers to the regular passage of time or chronological time. it is linear, sequential, and quantitative time Nothing spectacular happens during the chronos.
I believe that we are in the most momentous kairos time since Jesus came about two thousand years ago. This is the prophesied time window preceding Christ’s return to rapture His faithful followers.
Whereas kairos is strategic time. it is defined as qualitative and in-the-moment time, an opportune time for action. It is during kairos when critical events happen creating a shift in the season.
I believe that we are in the most momentous kairos time since Jesus came about two thousand years ago. This is the prophesied time window preceding Christ’s return to rapture His faithful followers.
Pride, Humility & Spiritual Discernment
Failure to discern new seasons can result in serious consequences. The religious leaders in Jesus’ time failed to discern a major shift in the spiritual season. They knew the Hebrew Scripture well and they were eagerly waiting for the Messiah. Yet, they could not perceive Him when Jesus walked among them. instead, they rejected Jesus despite clear signs pointing to His Messiahship. Worse, they crucified Him.
Jesus castigated the scribes and Pharisees for their lack of discernment. Once, when they asked Jesus for signs, He replied, “You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times” (Matthew 16:3). Jesus seemed to suggest that spiritual discernment is not as difficult as it seems.
Jesus castigated the scribes and Pharisees for their lack of discernment.
As you can see, a person’s knowledge of the Bible, while important, does not necessarily guarantee spiritual discernment of the times and seasons. Spiritual pride is often the culprit that robs a person of spiritual discernment. Pride has a blinding effect. That was the case with the scribes and Pharisees. Pride distorted their perception of Jesus and caused them to be blinded to His Messianic identity.
Spiritual pride is often the culprit that robs a person of spiritual discernment. Pride has a blinding effect.
Therefore, clothe yourself with humility and be willing and open to learning new things. Then, the Spirit of God will enable you to discern the times and perceive the seasons.
New Wine & New Wineskin
In every new season, God would pour forth new wine. That is, new and fresh anointing to empower believers to engage the new spiritual landscape and challenges.
However, only new wineskins can be used to store the new wine. If an old wineskin is used, it will burst and the new wine spilt. The pressure from the new wine fermenting will damage the brittle old wineskin. Only flexible new wineskins are suitable.
Similarly, in a new season after a massive change, we need a new wineskin mindset. Our old ways of thinking and doing things are no longer valid. They become irrelevant, and even obsolete.
If our thinking and perspective do not change accordingly, we cannot discern the new trends and developments. We will miss out on God’s new anointing and blessings. We will be powerless and lack the necessary wisdom to operate effectively in the new season. We will also cease to be in His perfect will. We may even become deceived and walk contrary to the will of God to the extent of attacking the purposes of God and the people who are aligned to Him, just like the Pharisees.
In a new season after a massive change, we need a new wineskin mindset. Our old ways of thinking and doing things are no longer valid. They become irrelevant, and even obsolete.
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus warned repeatedly of deception when the disciples asked Him for the signs of His coming and the end of this age – “See that no one leads you astray” (Matthew 24:4).
The deception at the present time is flowing along with the mainstream culture and narratives without critical thinking. Christians must ask pertinent questions in the light of biblical truths and prophecies. Unquestioning compliance will be the undoing of many believers. Initially, it will lead to compromise, and then, potentially, apostasy.
May God renew our minds to receive His new wine so that we have discernment and wisdom to navigate this new and challenging season!
The deception at the present time is flowing along with the mainstream culture and narratives without critical thinking. Christians must ask pertinent questions in the light of biblical truths and prophecies. Unquestioning compliance will be the undoing of many believers. Initially, it will lead to compromise, and then, potentially, apostasy.
Discernment & Courage
It is my prayer that everyone in our church can discern the kairos time that we are in. May our eyes be opened to the new realities, and more importantly, the new spiritual realities of this new season.
Understanding the times is the critical first step to navigating the new terrains. Only then will we urgently apply ourselves to fervent prayer and acquire knowledge of the new and unfamiliar world that we are suddenly thrust into.
Leaders must be doubly alert and prepared. We can no longer go on the cruise mode. Our spiritual antennae must be put on high alert as the battle against deception intensifies. Unless we are discerning and wise, we cannot lead effectively in this new season. The blind cannot lead the blind.
Unless we are discerning and wise, we cannot lead effectively in this new season. The blind cannot lead the blind.
Courage is also required. It is useless if you discern a certain subtle deception, but you lack the courage to speak out and warn the sheep.
Speaking the truth in this new season most likely means going against the mainstream narrative of any subject matter. There are risks of undesirable consequences. You may be misunderstood, branded as a conspiracy theorist, shunned and persecuted. So, it will require courage and conviction.
Courage is also required.
It is useless if you discern a certain subtle deception, but you lack the courage to speak out and warn the sheep.
May the Lord our God make us strong, resilient, and resolute as we fulfil our call as a church to be the watchman on the wall and preparer of the way for Christ’s return!