Rock of Ages Church

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Disney’s War On Children

Pastor Leslie Chua

LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and others) activism has been raging in the past decade. This culture war is unlike anything we have seen in human history. It defies common-sense logic and twists the biological understanding of human sexuality.

How people look at sex, gender, and marriage has been radically altered in recent years. Even the most liberal and progressive persons who lived just two to three decades ago could never have imagined how the world has changed in this regard.

LGBT activism is a cultural as well as political agenda. Even sceptics are now convinced. How else do you account for Its stunning success and society’s rapid acceptance of LGBT values, especially among the millennials? Sadly, Christians are included.


LGBT activism is a cultural as well as political agenda.

The activism targets nations, corporations, schools, media, arts, and entertainment.

Young adults, youths, and children are primary targets. The activists understand that sexual behaviour is malleable, and it is easy to shape a young mind. The younger a person, the more malleable he or she is.

Children have always been a target. However, indoctrination is usually carried out in a subversive manner. For example, by subtly changing the contents of children’s sexuality education or sneaking in homosexual references in children’s storybooks.


Disney has publicly declared its agenda to indoctrinate children with LGBTQIA values. This news should alarm parents, conservatives, and Christians alike because Disney is the biggest and most powerful entertainment company in the world.

Not so now. LGBT activists have become bolder and more blatant in pushing their agenda.

Disney has publicly declared its agenda to indoctrinate children with LGBTQIA values. This news should alarm parents, conservatives, and Christians alike because Disney is the biggest and most powerful entertainment company in the world.

Disney’s Wicked Agenda

Recently, the state of Florida enacted the Parental Rights in Education Bill. The bill, which is dubbed the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, blocks educators from discussing gender identity and sexual orientation with students in third grade and below.

Quickly, Disney came under pressure for “not doing enough to fight Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Bill” (Timcast, 22 March 2022).

Disney responded by announcing that they had created a task force to create more LGBTQ content for children.

A recently leaked video of Disney’s internal meeting reveals much about their sinister agenda.

Karey Burke, Disney’s corporate president and a mother of one transgender child and one pansexual child, said, “We have many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories, and yet we don’t have enough leads and narrative in which gay characters just get to be characters and not have to be about gay stories.”


Parents must wake up. This is not a conspiracy theory or a harmless agenda. It is a real and sinister agenda to capture the minds and shape the sexual mores of your children.

You cannot afford to have your children grow up wrongly believing that all sexual lifestyles have the same moral equivalence. This is not just a moral issue; it is also a biblical issue.


She vowed more inclusivity in Disney’s productions by making at least 50 per cent of its characters LGBTQIA and racial minorities.

Another Disney executive, Latoya Raveneau, said she was advancing a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” to insert queerness into children’s animation.

Parents must wake up. This is not a conspiracy theory or a harmless agenda. It is a real and sinister agenda to capture the minds and shape the sexual mores of your children.

You cannot afford to have your children grow up wrongly believing that all sexual lifestyles have the same moral equivalence. This is not just a moral issue; it is also a biblical issue.

Appropriate Response

How then should parents, especially Christian parents, respond to such an overt agenda to indoctrinate their children?

You can no longer stand passively by and do nothing because Disney is coming after your children. Parent must push back.

If parents do not start pushing back, sooner or later, all the other companies that produce children’s content will follow Disney’s lead. From films to storybooks, your children will be inundated with LGBT content.


You can no longer stand passively by and do nothing because Disney is coming after your children. Parent must push back.

You do not want your children to come under such insidious influence. So, pull the plug off all Disney content unless you have time to go through every cartoon or animation to ensure that it is safe.

Take this matter seriously. Do not sacrifice your children to LGBTQIA-tainted entertainment.

The Widespread Appeal of & Push for the LGBT Agenda

Why is homosexuality so widely accepted now when it was frowned upon barely ten years ago and condemned throughout history? Why does Disney push the LGBT agenda so aggressively? Why are global banks and multinational corporations actively promoting this agenda? Why do global institutions such as the World Economic Forum, United Nations, and World Bank champion diversity, inclusivity and the LGBT agenda?

There are two reasons.

God’s Judgement

First, homosexual practices and the LGBTQIA+ agenda are signs of human depravity.


Homosexual practices and the LGBTQIA+ agenda are signs of human depravity.

When homosexual practices become widespread, it is a sign that the sin of humanity has reached full measure. Divine judgement will follow quickly.

The destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah is a good example. The LORD told Abraham that “the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave” (Genesis 18:20).

What is this ‘very grave’ sin?

It is the sin of rampant homosexuality. The men of Sodom even wanted to forcibly have sex with two angels who appeared in the form of a man.

The two cities were totally destroyed by fire and brimstones. It was an act of God’s judgement for the sin of homosexuality.

Homosexuality itself is a form of judgement. The apostle, Paul put it this way - “God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves due penalty for their error” (Romans 1:21-22, 26-27).

I want to put a caveat here. Homosexuality is a complex issue for some people. I understand that there are believers who struggle with same-sex attraction. However, they do not act on the impulse. In such a case, it is not a sin.

A Political Agenda

Second, the LGBT agenda is a political agenda to destabilise society. It is not just a cultural phenomenon as many people suppose. The progressives and far-left liberals in the West are using the LGBT agenda to fundamentally remake society. Their goal is to replace the Judeo-Christian values that have been the foundation of Western societies.


The LGBT agenda is a political agenda to destabilise society.

At the global level, the LGBT agenda is part of the global elites’ bigger plan to gain control over nations, corporations, and individuals. It is a major part of the ‘S’ or ‘Social’ component of the ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) metrics, which will soon feature prominently in the global financial, banking, and economic systems.

Ten years ago, Disney’s ESG score was considered one of the worst. Now, the company is considered more inclusive. With plans to make fifty per cent of its characters LGBTQIA+, Disney will soar in the ESG ranking. Already, it is one of the best in ESG scoring, right up there with the number one ranked Microsoft.

When the ESG scorecard is fully implemented, any bank, business, or individual that fails to meet a stipulated minimum score will be barred from participating in certain business and social activities. For example, getting a bank loan, securing a place in a prestigious university, or buying a property.

In this way, the global elites (ultimately the one-world government) will have effective control over nations, corporations, and individuals. Any person or entity that gets out of line with the rules will be punished.