Climate Change | Is it An Existential Threat?
Pastor Leslie Chua
“They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.” For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished. But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.”
Climate change is an existential threat!
We are familiar with this mantra, which is often echoed by national governments, especially those from the West. Global institutions, mainstream media, and many transnational corporations are also heavily involved in carrying this ominous warning.
Climate activists warn repeatedly that global warming is ravaging the earth, causing melting icebergs, rising sea levels, superstorms, scorching heatwaves, deadly cold fronts, and all sorts of ecological catastrophes.
Because this is the mainstream narrative, most people unquestionably accept global warming to be scientifically factual and therefore true.
Unless drastic actions are taken quickly to mitigate the threats, the earth’s temperature will continue to rise and the world will soon become uninhabitable. Humanity will be wiped up within decades.
Because this is the mainstream narrative, most people unquestionably accept global warming to be scientifically factual and therefore true. As a result, many people are unsettled.
But is global warming really an existential threat?
But is global warming really an existential threat?
A few decades ago in the 1970s, a similar alarm of potential climate threat was raised. The fear then was over global cooling and the onset of an ice age. A Newsweek article in 1975 noted that scientists “are almost unanimous in the view that the [cooling] trend will reduce agricultural productivity for the rest of the century.”
Barely 2 to 3 decades later, the warning of a climate catastrophe changed tack. Instead of the fear of global cooling, the new threat was global warming.
Quickly, the global warming narrative gained traction and alarm bells began to ring. The blame was pinned squarely on carbon dioxide emissions due to human activities. Quickly, global warming was framed as an existential threat to humanity.
It is often said that 97% of scientists agree that global warming is taking place rapidly and damaging the planet. And it is manmade. The debate is over and the science is settled.
But that is an outright and blatant lie. There are many climate scientists including eminent ones, who disagree with this preposterous narrative. Unfortunately, most of them are afraid to speak out publicly for fear of having their research funding cut by their governments or supporting organisations.
Most people are unaware that climate change is a political agenda with a global reach. It is a globalist agenda designed to control the nations of the world and to maintain Western hegemony.
The Climate Change Agenda
Most people are unaware that climate change is a political agenda with a global reach. It is a globalist agenda designed to control the nations of the world and to maintain Western hegemony.
Connect the dots to the eschatological prophecies in the Scripture and consider how the Antichrist and his one-world government will take control of the world.
From my observation of the current developments on the world scene, I believe that It will be effected through protocols, policies, and regulations enacted by various global institutions, which are largely controlled by the West.
Global warming does not pose an existential threat to humanity and life on earth. Essentially, it is a political agenda initiated by the globalists for global domination and control.
Christians should not be surprised. Speaking of the Antichrist, Daniel prophesied that “he shall think to change the times and the law” (Daniel 7:25).
The climate change agenda is one of the means deployed by the globalists in their attempt to control the nations through global systems. it does not require much discernment to know the other means will include the implementation of vaccination passports and CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). Ultimately, all these systems will be tied to the 666-mark of the beast international financial and banking system.
Let me summarise what I have said so far. Global warming does not pose an existential threat to humanity and life on earth. Essentially, it is a political agenda initiated by the globalists for global domination and control.
What the Bible Has to Say about the Existential Threat of Global Warming
Eschatology is a dominant theme in the Bible. So, it has much to say about the end of humanity and the fate of the earth.
Will climate change play a role in the demise of the earth?
The answer is clearly no. The eschatology in the Holy Scripture contradicts the eschatological scenario asserted by the climate alarmists.
According to the Scripture, global warming is not an existential threat. Humanity will not become extinct and the earth will not be destroyed by global warming and the consequent melting of icecaps and rising sea levels.
Instead, the Bible reveals that sin is an existential threat. Humanity will perish because of sin and wickedness, and not because of climate change.
Throughout the Bible, the prophets and apostles repeatedly warned against sin. Mankind must repent of their sin and wickedness. There will be a time of reckoning where God will pour out His wrath and judgements on unrepentant sinners, the wicked, and all who reject His Son, Jesus Christ. This time is known as the day of the LORD in the Old Testament Scripture and the Tribulation in the New Testament Scripture.
During these 7 years of divine judgement, the world will experience unprecedented troubles. There will be wars, civil unrest, economic collapses, severe famines, pandemics, cosmic disturbances, and ecological catastrophes.
According to the Scripture, global warming is not an existential threat. Humanity will not become extinct and the earth will not be destroyed by global warming and the consequent melting of icecaps and rising sea levels.
Instead, the Bible reveals that sin is an existential threat. Humanity will perish because of sin and wickedness, and not because of climate change.
At the end of the 7-year Tribulation, Jesus will return in power and glory and He rule over the entire world for 1,000 years.
After the millennial reign of Christ, God will completely uncreate the entire universe and replace it with new heavens and a new earth. The final 2 chapters of the book of Revelation describe in detail the beauty and splendour of this new Edenic paradise where God and His people will dwell together for all eternity.
The apostle, Peter, prophesied about the final destruction of the present universe – “the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly… the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed” (2 Peter 3:7, 10).
This is the fate of our present heavens and earth. The earth will be destroyed together with the heavens. Clearly, the destruction of the earth has nothing to do with global warming arising from carbon emissions. Instead, this is a nuclear reaction as God slams the atoms against one another creating a complete disintegration of the earth.
Let me end this reflection with 2 thoughts.
Have No Fear of Global Warming
First, do not fear the hyped-up narrative of global warming and rising sea levels.
Many young people have bought into this propaganda and they fear for their future. But there is no need to be afraid. You just have to look at the Word of God.
The earth’s temperature is not going to rise to a level where all the icebergs will melt causing most of the earth to be covered by the seas.
Do not fear the hyped-up narrative of global warming and rising sea levels.
God had promised that He would not destroy the earth with another flood like the one that occurred in Noah’s time. He sealed His promise with the sign of the rainbow. Every time we look at the rainbow, we are reminded of God’s covenant promise. God will not lie.
So, have nothing to fear about climate change. Rather, fear God and heed His warning of divine judgement against unrepentant sinners. As John the Baptist proclaimed, “Bear fruit in keeping with repentance” (Matthew 3:8).
Do Not Join the Climate Narrative
Second, do not be a part of the climate change narrative. It is a waste of time. Worse, it makes you an alibi for the false narrative. Global warming is not an extinction-level event. Not according to the Bible.
There are Christian groups formed to explore ways to promote environmentalism, sustainability, and ways to reduce carbon emissions. I am all for clean water and a clean environment. I believe in taking care of God’s creation and using natural resources responsibly. But it is irrelevant for Christian groups to focus exclusively on saving the earth.
Do not be a part of the climate change narrative. It is a waste of time. Worse, it makes you an alibi for the false narrative. Global warming is not an extinction-level event. Not according to the Bible.
Why do I say that?
Because the entire climate change agenda is a false narrative. Because it abets the globalists in their attempt at global domination and control.
Most importantly because you cannot save the earth. God created the earth to be disposable. The present earth and heavens are meant only for temporary use. They have a shelf life after which they will be destroyed by fire. After that, God will create new heavens and a new earth.
So, no amount of environmental mitigation and preservation can change the final outcome.
2 Important Tasks for Christians
The important task at hand for Christians is twofold. First, it is to call sinners to repentance and embrace Jesus Christ. Second, it is to live a holy life and call fellow Christians to do the same.
Peter asked, “Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn! But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:11-13).