A Prophetic Peek Into 2024
Pastor Leslie Chua
“I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the LORD,
who made heaven and earth.”
It is customary for me at the end of each year to ask God to give me a prophetic peek into the following year. I did the same last year. I heard the Holy Spirit say two things concerning 2024.
First, 2024 is going to be a year of many uncertainties. It is not exactly the kind of prophetic word that we would like to hear. But it is what it is.
First, 2024 is going to be a year of many uncertainties… Second, 2024 will be a year of increased anointing.
Second, 2024 will be a year of increased anointing. In this year, we are going to experience more divine grace and more divine power. God is not going to let us feel helpless amid uncertainties. We will be given an increased level of anointing to face the unpredictable time ahead with confidence.
A Year of Uncertainties
In the last few years, we have experienced many uncertainties due to the Covid-19 crisis and in the aftermath of it. The world was gripped by fear and anxiety, much of which in hindsight appears to be an overreaction.
More and more people, including myself, believe that some invisible hands are leveraging the crises to further their geopolitical agenda to remake the world. Most of us have heard of the term, “The Great Reset.” The global elites keep repeating the mantra – don’t waste a good crisis.
These influential people mean what they say. They have to be taken seriously. They have spelt out their grand plans to fundamentally reset various important aspects of the world. Many of these plans are so radical and controversial. Radical because they sound so wickedly incredulous and controversial because the human rights of the masses will be infringed upon.
On that note, we can be sure that uncertainties will continue to prevail as these global elites follow through and implement the next stages of their diabolical plans.
But do not underestimate the globalists’ resolve to pull off their plans. They have the wherewithal - influence, power and resources - to make things happen. It is a public-private partnership involving the elites working through powerful private foundations, global institutions, national governments, and global financial and banking institutions. They have a pincer grip over much of the West, which will be the seat of the Antichrist and the emerging one-world government.
On that note, we can be sure that uncertainties will continue to prevail as these global elites follow through and implement the next stages of their diabolical plans.
The world will witness fundamental shifts in the area of governance. If the global elites get their way with the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), the WHO (World Health Organization) will have unchecked powers over global health. It will have the authority to dictate health policies in 196 countries in the event of a health crisis. Medical dictatorship will extend to the implementation of digital vaccine passports. The global elites through the WHO will have tyrannical control of the International cross-border movement of people and goods and services.
2024 will also see a step up in the effort to curb carbon emissions to mitigate the hallucinatory existential threat of global warming. More concrete steps will be taken to track the carbon footprint of nations, corporations, and individuals. Non-compliance will be penalised in various ways.
Here are some of the ramifications. Global food production and supply will be affected by the shutting down of farms. The efforts to discourage the consumption of meats and encourage the consumption of lab-grown meats, bugs, and genetically modified products will intensify. Developing nations will suffer the most with the push to switch from using fossil fuels to alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power.
More uncertainties will arise due to the continued war in Ukraine, the widening conflict in the Middle East, the upcoming U.S. presidential election in November, and the geopolitical shift and economic realignment of the nations as China and the BRICS countries challenge the U.S.-led Western financial system. The list goes on.
Add to all that, consider the breakneck speed at which AI (Artificial Intelligence) and technologies in various fields are developing. Seismic changes with the potential to fundamentally remake the world that we know are happening before our eyes.
The implications on our lives, jobs, culture, and security are massive. Elon Musk, the world’s richest man who is at the forefront of AI development and high-tech innovation, said that AI is the “most pressing” existential threat to humans. He is not alone in saying that. The headlines of the New York Times on 23 May 2023 read – AI Poses ‘Risk of Extinction,’ Industry Leaders Warn.
Uncertainties in the world will most certainly translate into uncertainty in our lives.
There is also the expectation of economic upheaval in 2024. Cheap money has been circulating for too long. The indiscriminate printing of trillions of dollars by the U.S. in recent years cannot continue without serious repercussions. The global financial system will crack.
Uncertainties in the world will most certainly translate into uncertainty in our lives. I have no idea how rapidly all these things that I have listed will occur. My suspicion is that it will be sooner rather than later. When they start to unravel, it will happen so suddenly and quickly that the world will be left gasping at its speed and grappling with the consequences.
I checked myself when I received the word, “uncertainties.” I wanted to make sure that it was not my own thought because I had been expecting the world to move in such a trajectory. So, I kept asking God for confirmation, and He did, twice.
God is in Control
Uncertainty can be disconcerting. It is the main cause of fear and anxiety.
2024 and the years ahead may be characterised by much uncertainty and unpredictability. However, we do not have to be paralysed by fear and anxiety.
We can find certainty, confidence, and security in God amid uncertainties because He is sovereign and He is in absolute control of everything. He dictates everything that happens, whether good or bad.
Listen to what the psalmist says – “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling” (Psalm 46:1-3).
We can find certainty, confidence, and security in God amid uncertainties because He is sovereign and He is in absolute control of everything. He dictates everything that happens, whether good or bad.
Consider this powerful truth from the Holy Scripture – “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
God will use the times of unpredictability and uncertainty ahead to do
His best works in you, moulding and refining and then promoting you to the praise of His glory.
Christ will make all things – good things and bad things - work out in such a way that it is for your good.
Usually, God does His best works in believers during their worst times. Paul discovered sufficiency in Christ and divine strength in his weakness. Saints learn endurance through hardship and perseverance through longsuffering. Daniel’s three friends – Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego – were promoted after a fiery trial.
In the same way, God will use the times of unpredictability and uncertainty ahead to do His best works in you, moulding and refining and then promoting you to the praise of His glory.
Christ will make all things – good things and bad things - work out in such a way that it
is for your good.
But there is a condition. This promise is reserved only “for those who love God.”
How do you love God? Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15)
A Year of Increased Anointing
Not only do we have the assurance that God will work all things together for the good of those who love Him, but He will also give us an increased level of anointing.
2024 is a year of uncertainties. It will also be a year of increased anointing. God will give us more grace and more power to navigate through the uncertainties so that we will always emerge victorious.
We shall conquer. We shall overcome.
What I heard from God are the words, “increased anointing” – anointing in every area of need. The greater the uncertainties, the stronger will be the anointing. God will increase His anointing with the increase in uncertainty.
It is just like Paul’s experience when he pleaded with the Lord to remove the thorn in his flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7). God’s reply was -- “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).
In the same way, God’s anointing of power will correspond to the degree of the uncertainties, troubles, and oppression. It will always be more than enough.
God will not leave His people helpless and powerless amid uncertainties. With His powerful divine anointing upon us, we can face the uncertain times ahead with faith, confidence, and hope.
2024 is a year of uncertainties. It will also be a year of increased anointing. God will give us more grace and more power to navigate through the uncertainties so that we will always emerge victorious. We shall conquer. We shall overcome.
Psalm 121:1-2 (ESV) - I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
I wish you a blessed 2024!