Opening Spiritual Portals ~ CERN ~
Pastor Leslie Chua
“And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth.”
We are familiar with the Old Testament stories of Jacob’s Ladder and the Tower of Babel. These stories are fascinating reads. Even children love them. There is an air of mystery surrounding them.
In the story of Jacob’s Ladder, Jacob had a dream. In the dream, he saw a ladder “set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven” and “the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.” And the LORD God stood above the ladder (Genesis 28:12-13).
That the place is the gate of heaven is a very interesting observation. Jacob figured that there was an open portal at Bethel. It was a special geographical location where a gateway connecting earth to heaven was situated.
Jacob was certain that it was not just a dream. There was more to it. He was convinced that God’s presence was there and the angelic activities were real. He called that place, Bethel, the house of God and then he added that it was the “gate of heaven” (Genesis 28:17).
That the place is the gate of heaven is a very interesting observation. Jacob figured that there was an open portal at Bethel. It was a special geographical location where a gateway connecting earth to heaven was situated.
It gives the idea that the door of access into the heavenly realm cannot be found everywhere and anywhere. There are designated locations. That might explain why there are many reports of paranormal activities in certain specific geographical locations on the earth.
In the Tower of Babel story, the attempt to build “a tower with its top in the heavens” carries several connotations.
The tower is a symbol of the rejection of God. Mankind wanted to reach the heavens by their own efforts. This is the general interpretation and understanding of the account.
The tower “with its top in the heavens” is another example of a gateway or portal into the spiritual realm.
Here is another perspective. The building of the tower was a repudiation of God and His rule as well as a deliberate attempt to reach out to the gods. These are the fallen angels who are God’s enemies.
The tower “with its top in the heavens” is another example of a gateway or portal into the spiritual realm.
While Jacob’s ladder is a gateway into God’s presence, the tower of Babel is a portal into the second heaven, where the fallen angelic entities reside.
The Opening of the Portal to the Abyss
In Revelation chapter 9, we read of the opening of a portal linking the earth to the bottomless pit, which is also known as the abyss. This event will take place during the second half of the Tribulation when the fifth trumpet is sounded.
A fallen angel will be given the key to open up the shaft of the abyss. When he unlocks it, swarms of locust-like creatures will emerge on the earth. They look like locusts as well as horses but their faces resemble humans.
In Revelation chapter 9, we read of the opening of a portal linking the earth to the bottomless pit, which is also known as the abyss.
I strongly believe that these creatures are fallen angelic entities. God has locked them up in the bottomless pit. These are either those angels who rebelled against God together with Lucifer or those who disobeyed God by copulating with women and producing the Nephilim.
For a brief period of 5 months, God will allow these fallen angels to be released to create havoc on the earth. Their mission is to torment people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They will cause much pain and suffering to mankind but the environment will be spared.
Judging from the descriptions, these locusts are certainly not insects, and their attack on people is definitely not a metaphorical representation of a severe locust plague or some kind of disaster.
Instead, the apostle John’s vision reveals that there will be an overt supernatural manifestation and invasion of the fallen angelic beings during the Tribulation.
There will be a breach in the interdimensional barrier. The portal or gateways will be opened and the incarcerated fallen angels will cross over from their higher dimensional spiritual realm into our physical 3-dimensional world.
Such an event is highly unusual. It had never happened since the Genesis 6 event where some angels took on human form and intermarried with humans. The locust attack will certainly create an unprecedented panic in the entire world.
In recent years, there have been a lot of talks about CERN and its activities. There are many speculations regarding its attempt to find other dimensions and open portals into these other dimensions.
CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research. It is home to the Large Hadron Collider, the largest and most powerful particle accelerator ever built.
In recent years, there have been a lot of talks about CERN and its activities. There are many speculations regarding its attempt to find other dimensions and open portals into these other dimensions.
When you go to the homepage of CERN, you will be greeted with this statement – “At CERN, we probe the fundamental structure of the particles that make up everything around us. We do so using the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments.”
The homepage goes on to say – “Physicists and engineers at CERN use the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments to study the basic constituents of matter – fundamental particles. Subatomic particles are made to collide together at close to the speed of light. The process gives us clues about how the particles interact, and provides insights into the fundamental laws of nature. We want to advance the boundaries of human knowledge by delving into the smallest building blocks of our universe.”
In 2012, CERN made a breakthrough discovery of the Higgs Boson, often dubbed the God particle. It is a force-giving particle without which no particles would have mass and the world as we know it would not exist. Hence, the nickname, God particle. This Higgs boson particle or God particle is the key to understanding the creation of the universe.
This significant discovery gives you a good sense of the immense capabilities of CERN in researching the mysteries of the universe, its basic building blocks, and the physics behind them.
As I said earlier, CERN has been at the centre of much controversy regarding its probe into parallel universes, unknown forms of matter, and higher dimensions. Is it an attempt to find and open gateways into these other dimensions? At the official level, it has repeatedly denied these speculations. But the suspicion continues to linger for good reasons.
Claims Made by a CERN’s Director
Sergio Bertolucci, director for research and computing at CERN, said that there were parallel universes and parallel dimensions of non-physical intelligent beings located everywhere around us, and CERN would allow these non-earth entities to come into our physical world and be with us.
Bertolucci replied without any hesitation, “Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it.”
When asked about the interdimensional doorway by The Register, a London and New York-based science and technology journal, Bertolucci replied without any hesitation, “Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it.”
The Statue of Shiva
On 18 June 2004, CERN unveiled a 2-metre tall statue of the Indian deity, Shiva. It was a gift from the government of India. This statue is displayed prominently near the main building.
Shiva is the god of destruction. In the Hindu belief, he possesses the power to deconstruct the universe at the quantum level. The statue depicts a dancing Shiva known as the Nataraj, the “Lord of Dance.” The plaque beside it explains that Shiva danced the universe into existence, motivates it, and will eventually extinguish it.
You also have to wonder about CERN’s obsession with spiritual symbols of destruction – Apollos and Shiva. Why?
Many people, including non-religious groups, have questioned CERN’s motivation in displaying the statue so prominently in its compound. Why use a controversial religious figure to portray the cosmic dance of subatomic particles and smashing protons? Why not use scientific symbolisms such as atoms and particles, which would be more appropriate?
You also have to wonder about CERN’s obsession with spiritual symbols of destruction – Apollos and Shiva. Why?
The Logo of CERN
The logo of CERN has also sparked much controversy. You do not require much imagination to see the number 666 in the logo. As we know, 666 is the mark of the beast. It is the number of the name of the Antichrist.
Despite CERN’s attempt to explain it away, the question remains as to why it selects this design knowing that it will certainly create controversy.
CERN’s Location
CERN is located at the Swiss-French border near Geneva. A large part of the sprawling underground facility consisting of a circular tunnel 27 kilometres in circumference is found 50-175 kilometres under the French town of Saint Genus-Pouilly.
The spiritual significance of CERN’s location and its association with Apollos, Apollyon, and Shiva, all gods of destruction, cannot be missed.
In the past, Saint Genus-Pouilly used to be a small Roman city by the name of Appolliacum. The town was so named because it was dedicated to the Roman and Greek god, Apollos. It is also claimed that the CERN facility is built on the site of the ancient temple of Apollos.
In Revelation chapter 9, we are told that the locust-like creatures from the abyss have a leader whose name is Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek (Revelation 9:11). Abaddon means destruction and Apollyon, a derivative of Apollo, is literally destroyer.
The spiritual significance of CERN’s location and its association with Apollos, Apollyon, and Shiva, all gods of destruction, cannot be missed.
Are all this a coincidence or done deliberately?
Can CERN be the means by which the portal into the spiritual dimension be opened? Can CERN be the gateway through which the incarcerated fallen angels in the bottomless pit will emerge during the Tribulation?
We cannot be sure but it is possible.
I always say that the natural and supernatural realms exist in a continuum and the domains of science and the supernatural are not mutually exclusive. With continual rapid advancement, someday in the future, science will be capable of answering at least some of the mechanics of the spiritual world.
Can CERN be the means by which the portal into the spiritual dimension be opened? Can CERN be the gateway through which the incarcerated fallen angels in the bottomless pit will emerge during the Tribulation?
My point is the speculations that CERN could be the agency through which Apollyon and the fallen angelic horde of locusts break into our three-dimensional world cannot be dismissed. I am not saying that the speculation is true, but it is possible.