Prophetic Words For 2025
Pastor Leslie Chua
“The LORD answered and said to his people, “Behold, I am sending to you grain, wine, and oil, and you will be satisfied; and I will no more make you a reproach among the nations.”
At the end of every year since a few years ago, God would give me prophetic words for the following year. Initially, these prophecies came unsolicited. The Lord graciously gave these prophecies to me. However, in recent years, I decided to seek Him to get a glimpse of the following year. Thankfully, He has never failed to speak to me.
I did the same recently toward the end of November and the early part of December. The Spirit of God started laying certain thoughts in my heart. After that, I waited upon Him for clarity.
The prophecies for 2025 are good words. I was surprised initially because I had expected 2025 to be a very challenging year based on the trajectory of dystopian developments in recent years. Together with many discerning prophecy watchers, I had been pessimistic about the outlook for the new year.
Well, the incessant march toward the return of Christ continues despite Donald Trump winning the U.S. presidential election and consequently, the sinister agendas for totalitarian control by the globalist elites are expected to be pushed back.
Having said that, Trump’s presidency will only serve to slow down the momentum but not to eliminate these evil works completely. Donald Trump is only a temporary obstacle.
Now, you understand why I was surprised when I received the good prophecies for 2025.
As I waited upon the Lord and considered the prophecies, He led me to the passage in Joel 2:18-27. I was pleasantly surprised by the similarities between the prophecies for 2025 and Joel’s prophecies for Israel.
The promise of God’s abundant blessings and restoration is juxtaposed with the prophecies of divine judgement and wars. They are placed side by side giving the surprising idea that God can bless His people even when they are caught in the middle of a storm.
The Exodus story is a case in point. God sent the Ten Plagues to force Pharoah’s hand to release the Israelites from 400 years of slavery. In the course of this tumultuous event, God blessed his people abundantly with material riches – “And the LORD had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they let them have what they asked. Thus they plundered the Egyptians” (Exodus 12:36).
God is going to do the same for His people in our church in 2025.
Here are the 3 prophetic words that I have received from God for 2025.
The Promise of Abundant Blessings
First, 2025 will be a year of God’s blessings. He will provide abundantly for His people.
Despite the pessimistic outlook in the world both geopolitically and economically, God will bless His people who are faithful and fully committed to Him. God will provide abundantly for those who have made sacrifices for His Kingdom’s sake.
First, 2025 will be a year of God’s blessings. He will provide abundantly for His people.
Earlier, we read in Joel 2:19 - “Behold, I am sending to you grain, wine, and oil, and you will be satisfied.” It speaks of sufficiency. God’s people will have enough provisions. They will eat and be satisfied.
God repeated His promise of abundant blessings several times in this prophecy from Joel. In another instance, it says - “The threshing floors shall be full of grain; the vats shall overflow with wine and oil” (Joel 2:24). This indicates more than sufficiency. The statements, “full of grains” and “overflow with wine and oil,” are imageries of plentiful supply and overflowing blessings.
God will bless His people abundantly in 2025.
The Promise of Restoration
Second, in 2025, God will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten.
It means that God will restore to you whatever the devil has stolen from you. It could be anything that is of value to you. It could be your health, a relationship, career, job, opportunity, reputation, trust, money, and wealth. God is promising restoration for His people in 2025.
Second, in 2025, God will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten.
We see this prophetic imagery in Joel 2:25 – “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.”
The setting of the promise is at a time when Israel is experiencing war and devastation. So, no one should be surprised that God can still bless His people at a time of geopolitical and economic uncertainties.
Here is a bit of the background. I am familiar with this verse in Joel’s prophecy but I have not thought about it or used it in my prayer for more than a decade, probably about 15 years. Given that, I was somewhat amused when the Holy Spirit dropped the statement, “I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten” into my mind.
I thought to myself, “I am no longer economically productive. How can I get back my investment money that I had lost a long time ago.” So, I dismissed it as probably my own imagination. But the phrase kept coming to me throughout December. I figured that the Lord must be speaking to me.
One day, I decided to talk to my wife about it. She replied that she had been asking the Lord to restore to us the years that the locusts had eaten recently.
I found it fascinating. Her reply served as a confirmation that God was speaking to me, and He was speaking very loudly.
This is what I do when I get a good prophetic word from the Lord. I tend to be cautious because I like a good prophecy like everyone else. But I would not jump on it unless and until God gives me a clear confirmation.
So, 2025 will be a year of restoration for those who are loyal and faithful to God. Despite challenging circumstances and even misfortune in your life, you do not blame God and lose faith. You do not grumble and complain. Instead, you continue to love and serve Him steadfastly. To such believers, God will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten.
The Promise of Vindication
Third, 2025 will be a year of vindication. Justice will be meted out to you. Misunderstanding will be cleared in your favour. Your credibility will be restored. Those who malign you will eat humble pie.
I did not receive this word regarding vindication until I started reading the Joel 2:18-19 passage.
Third, 2025 will be a year of vindication. Justice will be meted out to you. Misunderstanding will be cleared in your favour. Your credibility will be restored. Those who malign you will eat humble pie.
Besides talking about abundant blessings and restoration, God promises the vindication of His people in this passage.
God says “I will no more make you a reproach among the nations” in verse 18, “for he has given the early rain for your vindication” in verse 23, and “my people shall never again be put to shame” in verses 26 and 27.
You notice that the promises of abundant blessings and restoration come hand in hand with the promise of vindication. They come as a package. God vindicates by blessing and restoring His people.
The promise of vindication resonated strongly with me. Immediately, I told myself, “This is a prophetic word from the Lord.”
Immediately, I also sensed the Lord saying specifically that a certain group of people will be vindicated in 2025. These are the people who have discerned and talked about the shenanigans in the Great Reset, global vaccine mandate, climate change and decarbonisation agendas, media control through misinformation and disinformation, and using CBDCs as a control mechanism. They will be vindicated.
These Christians believe that the globalist elites are pushing these sinister agendas through global institutions and national governments in their attempt to form a global government. For their belief, these people have been ridiculed and labelled as conspiracy theorists. But they will be vindicated. 2025 will be a year of vindication.
God will expose these lies and deceptions in 2025. The truths will emerge.
In the natural, this prophecy makes sense because the U.S. will have a new president Donald Trump in January 2025. Trump is against all these twisted ideologies and sinister initiatives. He and his cabinet members have vowed to expose the works of these evil globalist puppeteers.
Trump’s team will face stiff resistance. So, the extent of the potential exposé is uncertain. But with the prophecy of the promise of vindication, I am confident that enough evidence will emerge to open the eyes of many who remain in the dark.
Many of these Christians, including me, cannot wait to be vindicated. Not so much to prove that we are right but so that the church will be awakened to the devil’s work to establish a one-world government and the soon return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Confirmation of the Prophetic Words
I had an interesting experience this morning. Today is 31 December 2024.
The night before, I had nearly finished writing this pastoral reflection. I just need to finish up the last bit in the morning. I woke up early but decided to go back to sleep. As usual, I put on my earpiece, turned on a Bible app and went back to sleep.
When I woke up about two and a half hours later, I heard these words from Joel 2:23-26 – “For he has given the early rain for your vindication; he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before. The threshing floor shall be full of grain; the vats shall overflow with wine and oil. I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten… You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied…”
Praise God! How uncanny is that? The Lord God is good. I believe that this is another confirmation that the prophecies that I have released in this pastoral reflection are from God.
Pray and Fast
I have always said that we have to pray and nurture the prophetic words that God has given to us. We cannot just praise God, fold our arms, and say, God, let it happen as you say.
Instead, we must pray earnestly for the prophecy to come to pass. That is what the prophet, Daniel, did when he perceived from Jeremiah’s prophecy that the desolation of Jerusalem and the exile of the Jews were nearing completion after 70 years.
Daniel did not fold his arms and do nothing. Instead, he hunkered down to pray and fast for the prophecy to come to pass. God wills and He decrees. Yet, we have to pray.
I have always said that we have to pray and nurture the prophetic words that God has given to us. We cannot just praise God, fold our arms, and say, God, let it happen as you say.”
So, let us pray for these wonderful prophetic words for 2025 to come to pass in our lives.
May 2025 be a year of abundant blessings, restoration, and vindication for you!
God bless you!