Making Wise Choices
Pastor Leslie Chua
“So Lot chose for himself all the Jordan Valley, and Lot journeyed east. Thus they separated from each other.”
Often, our success and failure in many aspects of our lives have to do with the choices that we make. Choices have consequences. Unfortunately, most people understand this principle only in theory. In practice, a plethora of variables, both rational and emotional, would cloud our better judgement.
There are many things that can be said about making good decisions. For this reflection, I would like to consider 2 imperatives for making wise choices from the spiritual perspective.
The story of Abraham and his nephew, Lot, provides a good case study of making wise choices.
The Background
Lot had been tagging along with his uncle, Abraham, since they left their homeland in Mesopotamia. At this juncture in the story in Genesis chapter 13, both Abraham and Lot had become very wealthy. They owned large flocks and herds.
Given that, the land could not support both of them dwelling together. There were frequent quarrels between their herdsmen. So, Abraham suggested that they should go their separate ways.
Abraham was gracious. He gave Lot the choice of his liking – “If you take the left hand, then I will go to the right, or if you take the right hand, then I will go to the left” (Genesis 13:9).
Lot chose the well-water plain of the Jordan Valley. So, Abraham remained in the dry hillsides of central Canaan.
Acknowledge God
The first imperative for making good decisions is to always acknowledge God. That is, to bring the matter to God and ask Him for His leading and guidance.
King Solomon gave this advice - “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
This is the wisest thing that you can do. We, Christians, have this wonderful privilege to consult with God who is all-knowing and all-powerful. He knows the end from the beginning and His counsel shall always stand (Isaiah 46:10). No one can give us better advice than God.
Unfortunately, Christians often deprive themselves of this privilege for various reasons. Lot is an example of such folly.
Lot knew God but he failed to consult with God when choosing his next step. As soon as Abraham asked him to choose, Lot set his eyes on the Jordan Valley.
We understand the reason for his choice. Jordan Valley was well-watered and fertile. The vast green pastures in the plain were most suitable for his flocks and herds to graze. It was a no-brainer. Why would he choose the dry hillsides and parched grounds of central Canaan? His uncle could have these lands all to himself.
Lot got what he wanted. But was it a good choice?
Unfortunately, as the story goes, it proves to be a lousy choice. Lot suffered 2 terrifying ordeals while living there. In the first instance, he was captured and all his possessions were taken when a conflict erupted among 2 warring factions there. Fortunately, Abraham rescued him and retrieved all his possessions. Sometime later, God destroyed the city of Sodom and he lost everything he had.
Of course, Lot could not have possibly anticipated such misfortune and catastrophe. But that is exactly the point. He would not know but the omniscient God knew. If he had acknowledged God and consulted with Him regarding his choice, he would have been spared the terrible consequences and heartaches.
Lot thought that his choice would surely lead him to greater wealth and prosperity. Instead, he ended up losing everything. What a tragedy!
The best plan could fail. There is no guarantee even if you have carefully considered all possibilities and taken all the necessary precautions. The best and only path to success is to acknowledge God and trust Him to lead and guide you.
Those who have lived long enough understand the unpredictability of life. Nobody says it better than the preacher in Ecclesiastes – “Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all” (Ecclesiastes 9:11).
The best plan could fail. There is no guarantee even if you have carefully considered all possibilities and taken all the necessary precautions. The best and only path to success is to acknowledge God and trust Him to lead and guide you.
While Abraham inherited the Promised Land, Lot ended with nothing. It all boiled down to how they chose.
Abraham did just that. He trusted the LORD. He did not lean on his own understanding. When Lot chose the fertile plain of Jordan, Abraham seemed to get the shorter end of the stick. Instead, once the uncle and nephew had separated, God spoke these amazing words of promise to him – “Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward, for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever. I will make your offspring as the dust of the earth, so that if one can count the dust of the earth, your offspring also can be counted.” (Genesis 13:14-16).
While Abraham inherited the Promised Land, Lot ended with nothing. It all boiled down to how they chose.
Therefore, when making decisions, do not depend on your own wisdom and understanding. Make it a habit to always commit the matter to the Lord and let Him direct you.
Moral Consideration
The second imperative for making wise decisions is moral consideration. Do not merely make choices based only on practical consideration. Take into account the moral aspect of the matter
Lot committed this fatal flaw of ignoring the moral dimension of his choice.
You notice this short commentary immediately after Lot had made his choice to settle “among the cities of the valley,” which included Sodom – “Now the men of Sodom were wicked, great sinners against the LORD” (Genesis 13:13).
Lot certainly knew of the wickedness of this city. Yet, he made a conscious decision to establish his home in Sodom and operated his business from there. Though Lot was a righteous man, he clearly lacked wisdom in his decision-making.
The sin of Sodom is well known. It is the sin of rampant homosexuality. The unbridled lust of the Sodomites earned them the reputation of being “great sinners against the LORD.”
Lot certainly knew of the wickedness of this city. Yet, he made a conscious decision to establish his home in Sodom and operated his business from there. Though Lot was a righteous man, he clearly lacked wisdom in his decision-making.
Truth be told, this is how most Christians choose and make decisions. Their overarching, or perhaps the only, consideration is the material benefits that could be gained. The issue of morality is secondary, if it is ever a consideration.
Beware because there are consequences to our moral choices as Lot discovered.
Why is that so? I suppose Lot was attracted by the fertile grazing grounds in the Jordan Valley as well as the bustle and glitter of the city of Sodom. Hence, his choice. He never hesitated in his decision.
Truth be told, this is how most Christians choose and make decisions. Their overarching, or perhaps the only, consideration is the material benefits that could be gained. The issue of morality is secondary, if it is ever a consideration.
Beware because there are consequences to our moral choices as Lot discovered. Not only did Lot lose all his possessions when God judged Sodom by raining sulphur and fire on the city. He also lost his wife. She could not bear to leave the city of sin. She turned back to look longingly at it and she was turned into a pillar of salt, a symbol perhaps of her unhealthy attachment to worldliness.
Few people in our modern world understand that immorality has a cost. Christians ought to be aware of it. Our God judges sin. Therefore, we should be mindful when making decisions to consider the moral implications of our choices. Avoid those options that may lead you to moral compromises and potential pitfalls.
That was not all. The immoral influence of Sodom left yet another stain on Lot and his family. After escaping to safety, his 2 daughters conspired to make their father drunk and committed incest with him.
Lot paid a heavy price for ignoring the moral dimension of his decision. The damage was incalculable. It extended from material loss to familial brokenness.
Few people in our modern world understand that immorality has a cost. Christians ought to be aware of it. Our God judges sin. Therefore, we should be mindful when making decisions to consider the moral implications of our choices. Avoid those options that may lead you to moral compromises and potential pitfalls.
In conclusion, always remember that the best choice may not always look the most attractive at first glance. More importantly, it may not be God’s will for you. To choose wisely, always bring the matter to God. Lay out the choices before Him and ask Him to speak to you and lead and guide you. And do not forget to consider the moral aspect of your choice.
Choosing wisely in every decision, regardless of whether it is a big or small decision, ensures that you constantly walk in God’s will for your life. The outcome is success and joy.