The Lazarus Miracle

Pastors Leslie & Adeline Chua

But when Jesus heard it he said,
“This illness does not lead to death.
It is for the glory of God,
so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”
— John 11:4 (ESV)
Martha said to Jesus,
“Lord, if you had been here,
my brother would not have died.
But even now I know that whatever you ask from God,
God will give you.”
— John 11:21-22 (ESV)


The stories and parables in the Gospels are usually short and concise. However, in John chapter 11, there is a rather long account of Jesus resurrecting a dead man by the name of Lazarus.

The story begins with a brief description of Jesus’ close friendship with Lazarus and his sisters, Martha and Mary. Jesus loved this family from Bethany, and the siblings loved and revered Jesus. Listen to the manner the sisters talked to the Lord. It is like family members having a conversation. Their deep friendship is unmistakable.

So, it is somewhat strange how Jesus responded to the sisters’ plea for help. Lazarus was seriously ill. Instead of going to visit him immediately, Jesus replied nonchalantly, “This illness does not lead to death.”

Jesus continued to stay where He was for two more days. He did so deliberately.

Meanwhile, Lazarus died.

At this juncture of the story, the only clue we have of Jesus’ enigmatic behaviour is his statement explaining His seeming disinterest and inaction – “It (referring to Lazarus’ death) is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it” (John 11:4). But it is not a helpful clue.

The disciples remained in the dark until they were about to set off for Bethany. That was when Jesus disclosed to them that Lazarus had already died.

The disciples became even more confused. Didn’t Jesus say two days before that Lazarus’ illness would not lead to death? What is Jesus up to?

Too Late

By the time Jesus reached Bethany, Lazarus had been dead for four days. He was already buried in a cave tomb.

Jesus was four days too late. Both Martha and Mary separately uttered the same words of disappointment when they spoke to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:21, 32).

They blamed Jesus. Interestingly, it is blame laced with faith. They believed that their brother would have lived if Jesus had arrived earlier. They had faith in Jesus’ ability to heal.

But Even Now

While Mary stopped there and said nothing more except to weep, Martha went on to say, “But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you” (John 11:22).


“But even now” are three remarkable words.
These words are a spontaneous declaration of her faith in Jesus.
It takes mountain-moving faith to say something like that.

It is one thing to believe that Jesus can heal, it is another matter altogether to believe that Jesus can raise the dead. Especially when the person had been dead and buried for four days, and the corpse had begun to decay and stink.

You have to give credit to Martha for her faith.

“But even now” are three remarkable words. These words are a spontaneous declaration of her faith in Jesus. It takes mountain-moving faith to say something like that.

Lazarus, Come out!

Jesus was four days too late, or was He?

When He was brought to the cave tomb where Lazarus was buried, Jesus instructed those around to roll away the stone that sealed the tomb. Then, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”


Jesus’ command
unleashed a surge of divine power
into the dead body and instantaneously revived it…
It does not matter how long a person or a thing has died.
When God’s power is unleashed,
that which is dead will be brought back to life.


With these three words, Lazarus hopped out of the tomb. He was still bound with the linen strips. It was a comical sight, but no one was laughing. The crowd must be stunned to see the dead Lazarus alive and kicking.

How is this possible? With Jesus, nothing is impossible!

Jesus’ command unleashed a surge of divine power into the dead body and instantaneously revived it. Jesus not only heals; He also brings the dead back to life. Jesus is the life and the resurrection. Hallelujah!

It does not matter how long a person or a thing has died. When God’s power is unleashed, that which is dead will be brought back to life.

Intentional Delay

Now, we understand the reason for Jesus’ delay in responding to Martha and Mary’s call for help. It was intentional. Jesus deliberately delayed His trip by two days so that by the time He reached Bethany, Lazarus would have already been dead and buried for four days. Without Lazarus’ death, there could be no miracle of resurrection.

Jesus runs the risk of being misunderstood. Some modern readers might take issue with Jesus’ intent and action, accusing Him of causing unnecessary distress and pain to Martha and Mary.

True, but the final outcome is worth it. An important truth is revealed - Jesus is the resurrection and the life. The people believed that Jesus was the Messiah, and in Him was everlasting life. Going through the process, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus’s faith were undoubtedly strengthened. Readers of John’s Gospel in the last two thousand years learn important lessons concerning faith, resurrection, and how God works in their lives.


No other religions boast of their gods’ ability
to bring life to the dead except for Christianity.
If Jesus could resurrect a man,
He can bring to life anything that is dead.


Above everything else, God is glorified through the Lazarus resurrection miracle. Jesus spelt out the objective from the beginning – “It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it” (John 11:4). Indeed, God is glorified.

No other religions boast of their gods’ ability to bring life to the dead except for Christianity. If Jesus could resurrect a man, He can bring to life anything that is dead.

God’s Intentional Delays in Our Lives

Does God work the same way in our lives? Does He sometimes wait till circumstances in our lives turn hopeless before He intervenes?

God certainly does. Sometimes, I think God is fond of doing that. I had such experiences in my life on a few occasions. They were always challenging and never pleasant. Experiences like that stretch your faith and build our trust in God. It also assures us of God’s faithfulness. He never fails.

There are more than a few such examples in the bible.

Joseph encountered a series of severe afflictions and injustices one after another for many years. His hope of freedom and realising His God-given dreams were as good as dead. Then, one day, God unexpectedly and suddenly changed his circumstances. He went from a prisoner in Pharaoh’s dungeon to the second-in-command in Pharaoh’s court in the space of a day.


In these and other stories,
God waited till all possibilities had diminished
and all hopes were extinguished.
Then, He stepped in to deliver His people from their troubles.


Moses and the Israelites were trapped between Pharaoh’s advancing army and the Red Sea. Realistically, they had no way of escape and they faced the imminent prospect of total annihilation. At the most desperate moment, God parted the Red Sea for them to cross safely to the opposite shore.

Who would have thought that Daniel’s three friends could have escaped the fiery furnace? They were already thrown into the furnace. They were as good as dead, but God rescued them.

In these and other stories, God waited till all possibilities had diminished and all hopes were extinguished. Then, He stepped in to deliver His people from their troubles.

Prophetic Words Concerning Breakthrough & Restoration

Recently, I released a prophetic word during my sermon. We have entered a time when we are going to witness God’s amazing grace in our lives. We are going to experience breakthroughs and restorations – physical and spiritual restorations – in many areas of our lives. God will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten.


Your breakthroughs and restorations
may come like the Lazarus miracle, when all is already lost.
Your hope is dead, and you have already given up.
Then, God intervenes.


I elaborated on the timing aspect of the fulfilment in our lives. I mentioned that your breakthroughs and restorations may come like the Red Sea miracle. Just when you think that all is lost, God will intervene.

Alternatively, your breakthroughs and restorations may come like the Lazarus miracle, when all is already lost. Your hope is dead, and you have already given up. Then, God intervenes.

Keep praying. Keep pressing in. Keep believing. Nothing is impossible. With God, all things are possible. Speak into your lifeless and hopeless situation. Just as Martha did, declare “but even now” that which is dead shall come alive. We believe in “the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were” (Romans 4:17).

God has appointed a time for your breakthroughs and restorations. He is never too early, and He is never too late. He is always on time. His timing is always perfect. In His time, God will make all things beautiful for you.


We believe in
“the God who gives life to the dead
and calls things that are not as though they were”
(Romans 4:17).


When your breakthroughs and restorations come, they will come suddenly and swiftly just like the streams in the Negev (Psalm126:4).

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland”(Isaiah 43:19).

May the Lord bless you in this season of breakthroughs and restorations!

Ps. Leslie & Adeline Chua